Photo-a-Day (Monday, 14th January, 2013)
Wigan Pier

Photo: Dave (Oy) (Fuji X100)
That's just as I remember it !
Monochrome is fine. I seem to remember my yougest days in monochrome, for some reason.
I have always liked your pictures of the Pier, Oy, they are always so well composed.
p.s What does Oy mean ?
Very nice indeed Dave - would also like to see the colour version. I keep an open mind about mono, some I like and some I don't but this definately fits into my 'like' category. I suppose that it the same as colour tho' - you can't like everything!
Got to love it,Dave....But then,I'm a fan of monochrome! Somehow it seems to me to be how I best remember places like this.
I LOVE IT........thanks Dave another one for my album.......:-)
Us what started life looking at black and white photos in the beginning of more ancient times.......cheers!!!
Nice photo of Wigan Pier and the famous coal tippler. Good one.
We've suddenly gone back to the early 1900's looks so stark and dismal. Good photo though
Great picture Dave. Thanks to everyone who submits pictures for the site. Being 3000 miles away from my home town please know that, and I am sure I speak for all of the expats, that the photos, no matter how many times they are repeated, are nostalgic, and always make me feel that I am home. Thanks everyone
You know my feelings, Dave !!
Some photo`s in wiganworld of Wigan Pier:-
#20747 A Watercolour - Album, Places, Wigan Pier, 1st one on page 4. ( Lizzie has a comment on next photo !!)
Nightime by Andrew Fishburn - New Gallery, Wigan Pier, 5th photo.
Boardwalk - Wigan Streets, Pottery Road.
Are these low level shots becoming fashionable amongst cameramen, last two by Andrew Fishburn on photo a day have been taken from similar position.
Nice one dave , cant beat Mono , witch brand of film did you use ??
Colour versus monochrome.Some subjects embrace it others don't.
wigan pier always was black and white like Wigan was when I was young .The smoke, and dirt saw to that.Don't lean on any wall with your best suit on ,my mother always said as I went through the door.
Nice one Dave ,Monochrome is just right.
It's just how I remember it, very good photo.
The monochrome photo highlights how the pier comlex is slowly rotting away after millions being spent on it.
For info about our sight see :-
An extract :-
Photoreceptor Cells
The retina is composed of two types of photoreceptor cells. When light falls on one of these cells, it causes a chemical reaction that sends an electrical signal to the brain.
Cone cells give us our detailed color daytime vision. There are 6 million of them in each human eye. Most of them are located in the central retina - macula fovea area. There are three types of cone cells: one sensitive to red light, another to green light, and the third sensitive to blue light.
Rod cells are about 500 times more sensitive to light then cone cells; they give us our dim light or night vision. They are also more sensitive to motion then cone cells. There are 120 million rod cells in the human eye. Most rod cells are located in our peripheral or side vision."
We see objects in their natural colours !!
I agree with Brian. I love looking at these photos because it brings a little bit of home to Kentucky.
Very good picture but I thought there was something wrong with it, in the background next to the orwell tower/clock thing it looks like the new flats/apartments that is there now. also the wooden walkway around the buildings and the side boarded up was from when it closed some years ago. the lights on the right side near the path and buildings looks very recent. Is this a lot newer then we might think?
Thanks for the kind words :)
Andy: It was taken just last week
John: No film - the Fuji X100 is digital.
Mick: I used a floorpod :) Didn't have my tripod with me.
Alan (On Van Isle): "Oy" is my fav ourite character from my favourite series of books. Stephen Kings "Dark Tower" series.
And here was me thinking it was because whenever anyone wanted you, they shouted "Oy"!
Wish i had the money for one of those Fuji's!
Odd, isn't it that so many of us remember in black and white?
You sure take the bicuit for "Waffling on" in Black & White (monochrome) Ernie
Appreciate the photographers choice of medium, after all Mono is the choice of many of them.
I have thousands of mono pics from years of Amateur photography (plus 50 years of coloured ones too)ALL equal..
I thought the same
Oy Dave gerroverere......:-)
Art, what`s a bicuit? !!
I,too, have many old black and white photo`s and developed a lot of them myself. We`d no colour then of course. When did the word `monochrome` come into fashion, I wonder.
Monochrome isn't limited to black and white. It also covers sepia, cyanotype and any other variation that just uses shades of one colour.
Thanks for that info, Dave. I`1l bet not many know that.
"Mono"..Something you DIDN'T know Ernie?
Bicuit (biscuit)was a typo...Just like you....
But we don't go on & on about it , do we?
"Comments"...Not diatribe, is the object of this board.
Not:- p-a-d,,, did you see my post,,, refer to,,,aren't I good at googling...etc
In other words "waffle"
When travelling to Wigan, or returning home in future, you're bound to see one of my pics nicked from WW...It's on the boundary marker, a pic of Johnpit, where I worked.
I think all photography should be in monochrome, I think the invention of colour film was the worst thing that could have happened to photography.
All my wedding album is in black and white and I love it......cheers!!!
Photography is the art of using light.
Black & white shows this...
Colour, is an added extra...
This is nothing to do with taking snaps...;o)