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Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 2nd January, 2013)

Winter Sun

Winter Sun
Haigh country park.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Canon power shot 560)
Views: 4,291

Comment by: Ken R on 2nd January 2013 at 00:01

Looks cold and crunchy, good one Ron.

Comment by: Janice on 2nd January 2013 at 00:28

Brrr - very chilly. Lovely photograph Ron, such a peaceful scene.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 2nd January 2013 at 01:56

Ron this is lovely, I know it is cold but the sunshine breaking through is quite stunning!! If I may take a copy for my album? Cheers!!!

Comment by: David Fairclough on 2nd January 2013 at 03:15

Still looks cold, the two in the photo look rugged up. Good shot Ron

Comment by: peterp on 2nd January 2013 at 08:22

We are all wrapped up now for the wet and windy weather,wait till it gets cold

Comment by: tricia on 2nd January 2013 at 09:05

Love this one, Ron. It made me homesick when I saw it! Although it is very cold here at the moment as well..
Very best wishes to all at WW for 2013 and thank you to Brian and the Mods, and the people who take these wonderful pictures. x

Comment by: Maureen Andrews on 2nd January 2013 at 09:27

That's lovely Ron,very atmospheric.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 2nd January 2013 at 09:31

A ghostly figure or a trick of the sunlight????

Comment by: Ron D on 2nd January 2013 at 09:44

Lizzie. Be my guest.

Comment by: michael Australia Melbourne on 2nd January 2013 at 09:59

hy Lizzie Down Under feel fee to copy anything that takes your fancy on the Internet that what it all about

Comment by: Garry on 2nd January 2013 at 10:11

The daffs and grocuses are now peeping out of the ground, great soon be spring.

Comment by: Al.C. on 2nd January 2013 at 10:49

Makes excellent use of the available colour, well done Ron.

Comment by: Janice on 2nd January 2013 at 11:17

See what you mean about the ghostly figure Lizzie. Would love it to be a ghost but probaly a drop of moisture or camera flare. Also, be careful with Michael Australias advice, copying from the internet is always risky as people hold the copyright to whatever they submit. All my images are copyrighted and it is nice to be asked for copies -however if asked, only to happy to share

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 2nd January 2013 at 11:48

Janice Thankyou for your valuable advice... I always ask the person who owns the picture permission to copy if I don't get an answer I don't copy, it is only the correct thing to do. Thankyou for your permission, that is very kind of you....:-) it still looks very ghostly!!!

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 2nd January 2013 at 13:30

This photo reminds me of a scene in `The Waltons` where John-Boy is walking in the woods on Waltons Mountain with his fiancee. She says to him "You`ll know the name of every tree." He replies, patting a tree trunk " Yes, this is Fred."

Comment by: Mick on 2nd January 2013 at 14:34

Lizzie down under I bet you didnt raid orchards when you was young.

Comment by: irene roberts on 2nd January 2013 at 15:45

I like that, Ernest! It's made me laugh on a horrible, miserable day.

Comment by: Ken R on 2nd January 2013 at 16:16

That ghostly figure seems to be holding a Shepherd Crook, cant see any sheep tho.

Comment by: Ellen on 2nd January 2013 at 18:02

It looks like a ghostly figure to me, Lizzie Down Under!....and,Ernest,I too smiled at your comment; it was a little warmth,as the snow is falling here.
Thanks to Ron, and to all the photographers on Wiganworld. You bring a lot of cheer into our lives, especially to those of us who are far from Wigan.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 2nd January 2013 at 18:51

Funny you should say that Mick......
During a visit to good friends of my parents I went missing.....
As their property was quite large they had quite a substantial orchard.....
There I was under the huge pear tree gorging myself on the pears that had fallen....
Not really raiding, but close seeing I had not asked permission. I love pears to this day and I have one every day with my breakfast.... Cheers!!!

Comment by: dirty harry on 2nd January 2013 at 19:22

"ghosty figure" is it the last of the chrimbo booze you've been at? i can't see squat.

Comment by: Mick on 2nd January 2013 at 19:35

Lizzie down under my mate Ken grandma used to live next door to you in pepper lane and he said he used to play with you and your sister when he went visiting her.

He also remembers you all leaving for Australia.

I went to st maries school with you both but cant remember you looked like

Comment by: Terry Baxter on 2nd January 2013 at 20:24

No problem copying any photo from this type of website as its in the public domain and available to anyone.

Comment by: Janice on 2nd January 2013 at 22:19

Terry, afraid that your statement is not entirely correct public domain images are creative or original works not protected under intellectual property laws. They are images whose copyrights have expired, or were never copyrighted. In other words, a public domain image assumes that the creator of the work has relinquished his work to the public or can no longer claim exclusive rights over it. Before copying therefore, you would need to be sure whether or not the person who has created the image has copyrighted it, and if so, whether or not that copyright has expired. The mere fact it is on a site accessible to the public does not mean it is in the public domain.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 2nd January 2013 at 23:40

What was the name of his Grandma?
What was your surname mine was Hayes!
We should carry this to the People Message Board....as the posts go up instantly.....
I will start a thread of Pepper Lane People!!

Comment by: Mick on 3rd January 2013 at 11:06

Liz I dont go onto the People Message Board section, I only go onto the forum section.

Comment by: Terry Baxter on 4th January 2013 at 13:13

Janice, though you may be correct 'on paper' It matters not a jot! Same with recording TV and radio. To enforce such a rule would be impossible.

Comment by: John H on 4th January 2013 at 14:18

Nice shot, could that be a spot of sun shine up above, you did well Ron to get a hint of sun shine

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 5th January 2013 at 02:24

Johb H, the part of your comment "could that be a spot of sun shine up above" must be one of silliest on P-a-D. The photo is titled "Winter Sun".

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