Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 14th August, 2012)

Photo: John Harrison (Nikon Coolpix P100 650th on F5)
The Coloring of the Cinnabar Moth and Caterpillar
The Cinnabar caterpillar starts off pale yellow, then later becomes bright yellowish orange with jet black bands around it.
Hello John, this is a cinnabar caterpillar and it turns into a moth.
Don't handle the caterpillars John, both they and the Oxford Ragwort they feed on are poisonous, many horses and ponies die each year through eating this weed, if handled the caterpillars ooze bitter tasting, toxic orange liquid to stop birds etc from eating them.
when this turns into a moth beware because if that moth bites you it can cause your eyes to implode not very nice as its happened to me twice. and yes it doe's hurt
Caterpillars never turn into wasps.
'From the dew soaked hedge creeps a crawly caterpillar'
Autum Almanac, The Kinks.
A sign autumn is on its way.
I think it may have been your brain that imploded, dirty harry.
Well spotted, good pic
Nice one John
Thanks for all your comments, I dont think I will be handling them, after what I have just learned Thanks again John
Caterpillar into a wasp! Gimme a break JH.
Didn't you do biology at school?