Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 9th May, 2012)
Maybe I'll beat Ernie Pyke this time, mind you I'm in Canada.Walked past this building about a month ago when visiting. Quite a change from the old Darlington Street I remember. Impressive building
This is a nice building,just wondered why they bricked up the windows?
I wonder why they bricked up the windows on the left.
Well done Thomas, 4th photo in succession ! Let`s have a comment from you.
Derek, I didn`t have anything to say earlier ! Did you find the location of St.George`s Ch.?
Looks like they ran out of money for the double glazing or had a few spare bricks laying around. I can't think of any reason why they would have the building looking like that.
Perhaps they were avoiding the Window Tax introduced in 1696 and repealed in 1851. the news may not have reached wigan yet.
there bricked up to stop the local idiots from throwing stones through i bet .
Could be where the cells are.
Ernest,Thankyou for your kind comment .I am fairly new to Wigan World,I only resently got one of these fantastic contraptions (Christmas present) ,but I enjoy the site enormously ,especially Photo-a-Day,and the Albums.Since putting photographs on the album I have been contacted by people from Canada and Australia ,proof that W.W.realy dose go world wide.We are very fortunate to have the volunteers who make it such a success .Incedentley,I had a comment on yesterday posting Iron Bridge,and managed to find a photograph of the old bridge,thanks to the information you provided.Kind regards.
They could put the cells round the back Mary.
If you tell someone in a pub that theres one odd brick in all that brickwork word will get around and next time your passing there will be hundreds of folk looking up as they walk past.
Thanks Tom, much appreciated. Brian tells me that he`s been running wiganworld for around 10 years and has other sites too !
You could well be right there Mary, that room could well have been converted to a prisoner holding room since the police station next door closed, that is originally where the cells where with a tunnel connecting to the courts.
Cyril, I assume that these blocked up windows are on two floors - so it`s more than one room?
Lovely pic.
Cells are lower down.
Were connected to police station by 'the bridge'. (Since demolished)
Bridge can be seen on this WW pic.
According to a friend of mine. The windows weren't actually blocked as such, it was actually built that way. They are just decorative.
Weren't the "windows" built like that? I don't ever remember those particular ones having glass in them.
I always thought that the Justice figure in the brick was great.
Catherine, I too like the figure of Lady Justice,but wonder that she isn't blindfolded?
Tom Walsh, I've been in Canada, Ontario to be exact, for almost 45 yrs.,and am loving WW as a way of remembering "home"
Hi Ernest, I did find the location of St George's church. I found it on Google. Can't say I remembered it though.
well, its a good photo, but not one I could describe from the inside, now Lower Ince police station, well thats another matter, lol
Justice system seen that been there.There is one brick in upside down, inside out.