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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 20th November, 2011)

Disused Park Hotel

Disused Park Hotel

Photo: Colin Harlow  (Kodak CK7330)
Views: 4,172

Comment by: Dennis Miller on 20th November 2011 at 05:37

Its a bit sickening really. I only went in that pub about ten times... but it was always a good night with a good crowd.

Good photograph... despite the sad content.

Comment by: peterp on 20th November 2011 at 08:04

make ideal house/flats

Comment by: Bob on 20th November 2011 at 09:08

The result of the smoking ban, it would make a great home with some retoration work.

Comment by: Mick on 20th November 2011 at 10:05

The face of modern Wigans pubs.

Comment by: formerbowler on 20th November 2011 at 11:39

The bowling green at the back of the pub was one of the trickiest in Wigan.Wonder what state the green is in now.

Comment by: Michael on 20th November 2011 at 11:48

Where is / was this pub? I only remember the Park Hotel on the Market Square.

Comment by: Phil Whitehead on 20th November 2011 at 12:09

The pub is located on Manchester Road at Ince close to the Amberswood Tavern on the opposite side of the road.

I agree that something should be done with it as it has been like this for far too long.

Comment by: peter48 on 20th November 2011 at 16:58

spent many an hour in this pub
it was my local and very sad when it closed
but if people dont go in then they cant stay open

the old maxim is "use it or lose it"

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 20th November 2011 at 19:36

I think the smoking ban and cheap beer from supermarkets have put a real dent in pub numbers, a night out can be very expensive. I don't know the cost of a Disco/Karaoke and overheads to run a pub, but with only a handful of customers the inevitable will happen.

Thankyou for your comments.

Comment by: John Morris on 20th November 2011 at 22:27

It is sad to see the pub like this. I worked at Heatstore in my summer holiday from college in 1970 (I think) and went to the "Park" for lunch on many days. Those were the days of pies and home pickled onions, perhaps if they brought those back they wouldn't need the smokers. Wetherspoon's pubs seem to thrive apparently one reason is that they don't have music so don't need a music license which saves a fortune.

Comment by: Andrew on 22nd November 2011 at 11:38

I am sure this placed closed before the smoking ban, I remember the last time I was in there was before the ban. Not sure how long it been closed but must be a few years now.

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