Photo-a-Day (Friday, 11th November, 2011)
There's summat wrong wi kids today

Photo: D Killen (Fuji Finepix S2960)
do modern kids know where apples come from or do they think they come off a shelf in a supermarket
Modern kids have parents and should know about everything.
Wot's an apple?
We used to pinch pears from Hindley golf club when we were kids. They had a great orchard behind the hall. The thrill of it and we never caused damaged. Good photo.
I think Micks on another planet!
There's summat wrong wi kids today Wait till they find out where that tree is D.
So you used to pinch apples when you were a kid, did you Derek?, you little rascal.
Hows things in Clithero?
I think Micks on another planet!
Im in Shevy Colin its not that far away.
Modern kids have parents that should know everything ?.... Did we not have parents back in the dark ages then Mick, who knew most where apples came from ?
Talking about kids today.......Going a bit off subject ...hubby and self were talking about bonfire night when we were kids.We used to start collecting about september ..going all over the place and if we found any wood of any sort,would drag it through the streets to where we had the bonfire.can you imagine the kids doing that now? if you asked them they would just say "wad`y meen?"Our bonfire was always on "Bithells field" where the brocket arm is now.. Oh happy days Anybody out there who remembers bithells field ?
Modern kids have parents that should know everything ?.... Did we not have parents back in the dark ages then Mick, who knew most where apples came from
Thats what Im saying Helen they have parents but there parents are letting them down by not talking to them and not telling them about life.
But maybe reason is that the parents dont know them selves.
Still lots of apples on that tree. I remember as a lad climbing into the walled gardens at Haigh Hall and raiding the apple and pear trees, keepers made it dificult with barbed wire etc:
Good old days.
who can spot the deer in the photo