Photo-a-Day (Monday, 22nd August, 2011)
Class 47 Diesel 47760
Photo: John Williams (Camera Nikon D50 with 18-35mm Nikon lens)
Sorry but it's horrible, give me steam any day.
a box on rails a lot cleaner than steam trains but ugly
Yup, tend to agree. A characterless engine. Nothing like the old Patriot class and Princess class, Jubilee al...
Better than pictures of birds all the time. Supoose to be Wigan World, not Wildlife World!!!!!
I always thought these looked better in the Blue and Yellow colours, we did change to steam at Carnforth and continued our trip with a Stanier class 8F
Bring back the pack horses.
Meant to say, John. Nice pic, no reflection on the photographer..just the subject matter is blahhhhh...
What day was this photo taken?
Hi Dot
This was taken on the 6th August which was a Saturday
Hey chaps, sorry to pee on yer bonfires but some of us are just whippersnappers (relatively speaking), and we don't remember steam engines in regular use.
So, even though I'm not a particular fan of class 47s, I'm more than pleased to see this loco passing through Wigan NW.
At least it was BUILT in this country. Which is more than can be said for most of the railborne tat these days....