Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 26th April, 2011)

Photo: Jeff Haydock (Nikon D40, 300MM F5.6 HOYA MANUAL LENS)
I saw some of these Yellowhammers at Orrell a few weeks ago, first time I ever seen them.
Not bad Jeff. Never seen one before.
Taken at full aperture I expect.
Saw a Yellowhammer in my garden once , and as I could only see it's head , I thought someone's Budgie had escaped.
yes Ron, it was at F5.6, hence narrow depth of field, lens is actually an old canon fd lens with a nikon adaptor to make it work.
Yes Jeff. I sold it you.
Well done Jeff, top quality.
sorry ron, didn't realise it was you, still takes beautiful sharp shots doesn,t.
regards jeff
Are Yellowhammers native to this country?
Yes Ste, they are widespread and wigan is particularly well blessed with them if you know were to look. Latin name
Emberiza citrinella.
very pretty little bird