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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 7th April, 2011)

River Douglas

River Douglas
The River Douglas flows under the canal close to Henhurst Bridge. The building used to be Wigan Printing Company where I worked in the 60s and 70s.

Photo: Harry Cunliffe  (Nikon Coolpix 7900)
Views: 4,687

Comment by: Fred Cunliffe on 7th April 2011 at 07:11

Water looks cleaner!Nice picture.

Comment by: Mick on 7th April 2011 at 10:02

Looks like theres a gable end shape and doorway on the side of the building and if there was the building must have stretched across the river like a bridge.

Comment by: henry7 on 7th April 2011 at 10:34

Harry, Was the owners son called Brian. I knew a girl who worked there she used to go out with Brian.

Comment by: peter frost on 7th April 2011 at 10:49

that building was richard fosters chair works in the 60s before they moved to eckersleys mill
the gable end that you see was the boiler house
that building was the machine shop and across the road was the assembly shop and upholstery shop.we all moved to eckersleys mill some time late 60s early 70s.
re wigan printing..... was it not owned by cliff prescott.?

Comment by: GEOFF CHARNOCK on 7th April 2011 at 13:39

Hello again Harry, this pic brings back memories, you may remember the room with the bricked up window was used to melt down the metal for the linotype machines. I can remember sticking my head out of the window to get some fresh air. Happy Days.

Comment by: Harry C. on 7th April 2011 at 20:32

Hi Geoff, yes I do, not a pleasant room.
henry7. Not when I worked there, but I left in 1973, sometime later it changed hands.

Comment by: Derek Callaghan on 7th April 2011 at 21:08

Yep, your right Geoff, as I was melting metal in that tiny room before you. I used to take a cup of tea in there that Marlene made for me and have a crafty fag. THEN I popped me ed through window for a good cough. Happy days. The bosses sons name was Geoff Ostick. I believe he isn't with us any more

Comment by: Jean F (Wales) on 7th April 2011 at 21:37

Interesting picture. My dad worked at Santus motor body works in the 40`s and 50`s as a" coach trimmer"and his building overlooked the Douglas.Was it near this building that is pictured ?

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