Photos of Wigan
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Photo-a-Day Archive
Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 26th January, 2011)
Lazy Swan

Road block at Pennington Flash, the swan refused to move.
Photo: Les Entwistle (Fuji S200EXR)
Photo: Les Entwistle (Fuji S200EXR)
Views: 4,178
Comment by: Mick P on 26th January 2011 at 04:09
Probably thought he was still an Ugly Duckling.
Comment by: Ellen on 26th January 2011 at 05:12
Great picture,Les! They certainly know what they will and will not do. We used to have Trumpeter swans near where we live, They used to take their young across the road at times...we just had to wait until they all went by before continuing on our way.
Comment by: Roy H on 26th January 2011 at 09:57
One day last week, I had to stop traffic on the road bridge over the canal in Leigh. A swan had decided it was a good place to land. I finally got it onto the canal under the bridge. It must have got its bearings wrong, as it was another couples territory. It didn't head back to the road though. Guess what? No camera with me. Sacrilidge.
Comment by: sharon crowther on 24th June 2012 at 17:42
Great picture,
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