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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 7th January, 2011)

Wallgate (4 of 4)

Wallgate (4 of 4)
CCTV Wigan.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 4,882

Comment by: Helen on 7th January 2011 at 08:18

If you look up you will always see interesting buildings above modern day shop fronts...this a classic example...very nice pic.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th January 2011 at 09:12

My friend in London always points out the ornate tops to buildings in Wigan when he visits, and marvels at the workmanship of the Victorians. I think when you live in a place you just don't see it.

Comment by: dave marsh on 7th January 2011 at 09:34

Spider Man at work again.Great photos.

Comment by: Harry C. on 7th January 2011 at 10:23

Mixed feelings on the cctv Brian, late nights in some places, why not. Four interesting photos. Cheers H.

Comment by: Tricia on 7th January 2011 at 11:22

One of our teachers can't remember if it was at Junior School or WGHS taught us to always look up at the tops of the buildings in the town centre. It is a habit that remains with me today !
Great photo. Which part of Wallgate is it please?

Comment by: dot on 7th January 2011 at 11:58

I remember my sister saying she was a youngster who worked above the shops, and it was a sewing place. She mentioned having a great time and a new learning curb, earning her 1st wage. Thanks for the photo.

Comment by: dave marsh on 7th January 2011 at 12:15

I saw a TV crime programme where someone deliberately ran down another person then reversed over them,all captured on CCTV.I am all in favour.

Comment by: Alex B on 7th January 2011 at 14:16

Ahhh,,,Big brother still watches over and above us!

Comment by: David on 7th January 2011 at 14:35

Was the corner shop Addison's Wines in the 60s?

Comment by: Peter Johnson on 7th January 2011 at 16:00

4 very good photos of Wallgate Brian but the last 3 are very interesting angles from a different perspective.
Can you tell me where did you get your tripod from. :)

Comment by: Scholes Malc on 7th January 2011 at 19:00

wasnt the saddle shop to the right?

Comment by: Ken R on 8th January 2011 at 00:01

Good shot, probably from the same position as #2, #2 is to the right of this shot.

Comment by: jack on 8th January 2011 at 17:04

There used to be a saddlery just a little further round the corner ,where the wast bins are towards the rly car park

Comment by: Dot on 12th January 2011 at 18:28

The place above the corner bottle shop was called Stevenson's, The sewing place made mainly dresses for women & Children.

Comment by: Jo on 4th July 2015 at 18:52

I agree with Beth, if you turn left you come to Grothorpe Street, if I remember correctly , and further on Ham Lane , next to Molly's chip shop

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