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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 4th January, 2011)

Wallgate (1 of 4)

Wallgate (1 of 4)
Former Pooles Cafe/Shop, a grade II listed building.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 5,450

Comment by: catherine on 4th January 2011 at 08:31

what a state its in now!!!!

Comment by: Anne on 4th January 2011 at 08:43

Such a shame that these old building get neglected, I remember going in here in the 70s having a cup of tea and a doorstop toast with my mother

Comment by: Helen on 4th January 2011 at 08:50

Thank goodness its listed or it would be in for a dose of the sledge hammer !
Nice woodwork & windows.

Comment by: irene roberts on 4th January 2011 at 09:31

It was lovely in the cafe.....like going back in time.

Comment by: Joe Jo on 4th January 2011 at 10:44

It belongs to Dave Whelan,Disgrace to town, Wigan Council should make him put it right, It seems like they are frightened of asking him,

Comment by: Dot on 4th January 2011 at 10:49

What a mess, and what a nice sight to see getting of the train to visit Wigan, the whole street is a disgrace.
Spending money in other areas, and letting wiganers wish they would pull them down. My vote do it up to its former glory and then we can be proud.

Comment by: dave marsh on 4th January 2011 at 12:37

If this property does belong to Mr.Whelan then all I can say is "Come on Dave,sort it please."

Comment by: janet on 4th January 2011 at 13:23

Last summer when I came over to England / Wigan and saw how awful and rundown Wallgate was, I was shocked... What a mess Wigan is now, compared to the Great place it used to be...It's been ruined and it's so sad !!!

Comment by: christine bishop on 4th January 2011 at 13:32

i agree it is atotal disgrace , and if dave whelan does own it , then come on dave whelan get cracking .PLEASE

Comment by: David on 4th January 2011 at 15:11

Good photograph - Poole's pies were even better.

Comment by: Chihuahua on 4th January 2011 at 18:19

I wish I could afford to buy this building and turn it back into an old fashioned Cafe

Comment by: antony on 4th January 2011 at 20:46

Mr whelan is only intrested in the old playing field in the town center and he will get his way with it

Comment by: anna on 4th January 2011 at 22:08

yes i agree,it all looks very scruffy n rough when you get off the station.

Comment by: Jean F (Wales) on 4th January 2011 at 22:19

By the look of the "iron" grill on the door and the state of the woodwork ....how long has it been like this ?.Grade 2 listed building ??!People won`t touch them because they arnt allowed to make them "nice" anymore !It used to be the most popular cafe and bakery in wigan .....Fifty years ago ! Oh how things change ...and not for the better.!

Comment by: Jean F (Wales) on 4th January 2011 at 22:53

Forgot to say....happy new year to everyone who reads this great site. I am so glad I found it.
I was born in Wigan and left in 1953.and have lots of happy memories ,especially of mesnes park and the hot vimto in the cafe there on a sunday.. and the "wigan Emp" Oh happy days..jean nee Smith .St michaels and Gidlow school..

Comment by: Mary T on 6th January 2011 at 15:36

Dave Whelan owns this cafe, he bought Pooles out, Been like this for years, Whelan should dig into his millions and put this property up to standard, it is a disgrace, People coming and going off North western station this is one of the first places people see,I thought he was proud of this town, doesnt look like it to me, has he no shame,Sell it if you do not want it Dave.

Comment by: Helen on 7th January 2011 at 08:20

Who is Dave Whelan....??

Comment by: chris on 8th January 2011 at 17:53

I think the chap who owned the printworks at the back bought it and had big plans on converting it but ran in to listed problems(ristrictions) with the council(kimber I think),the owners arnt at fault its the listed building rules that make it to expensive to do any restoration,and they give you no money to help,which they should as people say it raises the class of the town,anyway the owner of the printworks died very suddenly very young so I dont think anything soon is going to happen

Comment by: sheila on 11th October 2011 at 15:48

this old cafe could be a little part of wigans renovation of wallgate why do we let our history rot whoever owns it should be helped to make it into a lovely little cafe again its criminal

Comment by: izzy on 19th October 2012 at 21:18

hi everyone i am izzy from izzys barber shop this building is may now and iam turn this buildin back into an old fashioned Cafe.. we will sale pools pies and cake will be beautiful place hope i will se everyone there who miss this place.. thanks

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