Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 5th December, 2010)
Owners David and Jeanne Lancashire have won the 'Start-Up Business of the Year' award for Wigan, well done - the food is great.
I love the old building and the brickwork, its one of Wigan's few historic gems.
Photo: Brian (Fuji Finepix S7000)
yet another deserted street in wigan now becoming a ghost town
They have made the new build at the end of Millgate blend in with the old.
This small area shows just what can be done to preseve Wigan town.Far better than the 'knock it down and build an eyesore'mentality that often prevails.An excellent photograph that illustrates this point,
my nephew is the chef there
Is this part of the 'original' Millgate. The Millgate I knew in the 60s and 70s?
Yes the food is great & very comfortable. A bit small with a big welcome.
yes this does look nice.... go a bit further up and av a look a the Penningtons old building .. which is a listed building .... what on earth are the ridiculous drawings in the windows ???? then take a trip down and av a look at the other side of the town ... the old police station .. what an eyesore !!!
I've only eaten there once but it was lovely. A very nice restaurant and lovely owners.
Good photo, there used to be a great fishing tackle shop in that area and a barbers that was always packed to the ceiling on a saturday morning.
If you look in Photos of Wigan, Album, Places, Millgate, you can see how it was in the 1950's
I worked there when it was Ribble Cabinet furniture store.