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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 18th June, 2010)

It isn't Yellow any more.

It isn't Yellow any more.
Taken about 200yds below Whelley loop line.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Panasonic compact.)
Views: 5,034

Comment by: alan on 18th June 2010 at 01:25

Why the reference to Yellow ?

Comment by: peterp on 18th June 2010 at 08:15

what was yellow?

Comment by: Freda on 18th June 2010 at 08:17

I assume it is the bed of the Yellow Brook.
The water was heavily stained from the Yellow Ochre picked up on it's travels.
A friend of mine can vouch for the colour after she fell off her bike, trying to cross the little bridge. She was a lovely dark golden shade, and got some peculiar looks as we cycled back to Pemberton. There are several references to it on Wiganworld.

Comment by: Jo Anne on 18th June 2010 at 08:26

Great photo, Ron - thanks :o)

Comment by: John on 18th June 2010 at 08:50

Daffodils Ron....... ?????

Comment by: David on 18th June 2010 at 08:58

I remember the Yellow Brook; the brook was very yellow, and it coloured everything in the water. I believe it came from the 'ochre' (a mixture of iron hydroxides) in the water which was discharged from the mine in Whelley. I am sure someone will correct me.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 18th June 2010 at 09:24

Alan, it's the reflection from the trees, Ron's spot on, the water did turn Yellow for a while.... Freda's comments sum it up.

Comment by: brian . on 18th June 2010 at 09:36

a great photo ron,you seem to
have made more of it than is

Comment by: John S on 18th June 2010 at 11:52

Hi Ron, another superb picture,is there a place called the Fairy Glen round this area,if anyone knows will they kindly leave some idea how to get there as i would like to take a look, I know the main entrance on Wigan Lane.

Comment by: zoe on 18th June 2010 at 13:18

i was always playing round here when i was little and always remember it having the yellow/orange colour in it, smelled a lil to :) great photo

Comment by: Linda on 18th June 2010 at 14:49

Hi John S. The Fairy Glen I know is in Wrightington (entrance opposite the layby on the way up to Parbold Hill, just past the Dicconson Arms). I dont know of one off Wigan Lane. Lovely photo, Ron. My husband always talks of Yellow Brook when we walk that way.

Comment by: Catherine on 18th June 2010 at 15:19

There is a fairy glen in the Plantations but it's so long since I've been to it that I couldn't tell you exactly where it is.

Comment by: David on 18th June 2010 at 18:21

For lots of information about the Fairy Glen, see photo-a-day March 04 this year.

Comment by: peterp on 18th June 2010 at 18:34

see photo 4th march 2019 for how to get to fairy glen(john s)

Comment by: dustaf on 18th June 2010 at 19:08

'Ascot Environmental Ltd worked on the £0.75M project to construct a pumping station, twin pipelines, 3 settlement lagoons, 3 reedbeds and extensive landscaping. The scheme was completed in summer 2004'

See under 'coal' here;


Comment by: Dave (USA) on 18th June 2010 at 19:46

The Fairy Glen in the Plantations is actually on top of the hill opposite where I think this phots was taken. If you come in from the main gate on Wigan lane and cross the Duggy bridge there used to be steps on your left wher the road splits. Up the steps and follow the path to the left about 400 yds on your right you'll see it, unless it's now overgrown. Also seem to recal someon posted a picture a few months back.

Comment by: John S on 19th June 2010 at 12:48

Hi Dave USA, Thanks for really clear explanation, should easily find, How long since you was in this area,you seem to know it well, started to bring memories back to me, John S.

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