Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 1st June, 2010)
New Baths

Photo: Stewart Parr (Nikon D90)
i remember the old baths the new baths and another new baths you enjoy young wigan kids
COME ON it's Late spring, show some country photos. Awful pic of an awful changing Wigan.
A good photo of the third time lucky baths, its looking great.
Show somthing else for a change.
I can remember the old baths the new baths and another new baths too Gerald, - it doesn't seem all that long ago either!!
Good picture, but the new baths will be on the other side of the Municipal Buildings.
Am I right in thinking that the old Hippodrome, and the Shakespear pub, would have been were the car park is, in the top left hand corner of the photograph?
David, Spot on,
Good photograph but nothing exciting.
i thought it was another carpark!
lol! :)
Here's link for info.
Wow. I am a new member of WW and this photo knocks me over. At the front left of the new baths is where I was born and lived till I was 11yrs old. It was a sweet and tobacco shop that my Mum and Dad owned and it was demolished to make way for the old "new baths". I spent many a happy hour at the old Pavillion which was on the other side of the building, on Library street All photos, however mundane to some Wiganers, mean a lot to others. Well done.
Good to see what's going on from a bird's eye view. Once you get used to scaffolding you almost forget why it's there ... until it comes down and you see the new build that was hiding behind it.
Another interesting photo Stewart; thank you.
Can't wait to see some cladding go on this and get a glimpse into what it will look like when complete.
Still, sulkers will sulk :P