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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 12th May, 2010)

A picture of innocence

A picture of innocence
Jess who sadly died last week.

Photo: John Birchall  (Fuji Finepix S5700)
Views: 5,410

Comment by: Ellen on 12th May 2010 at 00:09

A Beautiful cat. So sorry to hear she (?he) died. Can sympathize, My cat Buddy died last Sept. He was my second cat in 23 years, and was only 8yrs old.

Comment by: alan on 12th May 2010 at 05:53

Which is Jess.....the cat or the mouse ?

Comment by: peterp on 12th May 2010 at 07:18

mouse heaven for me I think

Comment by: Maureen Andrews [nee Mcgovern] on 12th May 2010 at 11:20

Aw bless,I know what you're going through,my thoughts go out to you.

Comment by: Margaret Wall on 12th May 2010 at 12:00

I can second that Maureen. I lost my beloved cat Lucy in February this year.
Your Jess was gorgeous John.

Comment by: William K on 12th May 2010 at 20:02

Not done a good job cleaning the paving.

Comment by: Bob and Mary on 12th May 2010 at 20:14

No sympathy for cats, they ruin my garden, front and rear.

Comment by: Maverick on 12th May 2010 at 21:18

Negative comments are for negative people! My motto: positive comments or no comments at all.

Poignant picture John.

One of my three cats, who is approximately the same age as Jess, has been so poorly with a URTI that he couldn't breathe or even see properly.

Great vet and great owner (me!) have now nurtured him back to (almost) good health.

Comment by: maureen on 12th May 2010 at 21:28

Why do some people have to reply with negative answers,and downright unkind.

Comment by: Mick on 12th May 2010 at 22:56

Why do some people have to reply with negative answers,and downright unkind.

Maybe its because there sick of picking up nasty cat muck when they are weeding there gardens Maureen.

What do you think ?

Comment by: Ellen on 12th May 2010 at 23:18

Hey, Mick. Don't Wigan cats bury their
"nasty cat muck" like the rest of the world's felines????

Comment by: Sheda (Singapore) on 13th May 2010 at 06:33

Sorry for your lost, John.

Comment by: Karen (keen gardener) on 13th May 2010 at 19:59

Cats are awful things, ruin gardens that a lot of people care for and cost a lot of money, and time. Cry all night when people have to work the next morning, kill our beloved birds. Do you want me to go on? Owners should be made to clean up nasty cat muck in other peoples gardens and like dog owners find.

Comment by: John Barrow on 13th May 2010 at 20:12

Well said Mick... dirty animals.

Comment by: Maverick on 14th May 2010 at 01:07

LOL Bet you wonder why you put the picture on now eh John?

Nowt as queer as folk.

Comment by: DJB on 14th May 2010 at 09:51

What a shame such small minded people can spoil someones efforts to share their pictures and memories. A bit of cat muck is nothing compared to the damage your average Wiganer does to the planet every day.Good luck to you John, to the whingers, if you don't like cat muck,maybe you could leave your own muck in your garden, then it won't cost millions to get rid of

Comment by: maureen on 14th May 2010 at 10:50

Well said Maverick and DJB,I've yet to meet a cat that is as cruel and as dirty as the human being.

Comment by: jean on 14th May 2010 at 22:37

I`m curious...........what are the patterns on the paving stones? Look quite artistic really ! Not slug trails ,surely

Comment by: Mark on 15th May 2010 at 19:23

Power washer, Jean. The coil hose is a clue.

Comment by: Ellen on 16th May 2010 at 03:01

To Maureen, Maverick and DJB,well said!I never met a cat I didn't like. But thats a personal point of view. Wherever did you detractors get the notion that cats are dirty animals?

Comment by: Harry ( Garden lover) on 16th May 2010 at 12:59

Well said Karen, mick, john, bob & mary... dirt fithy animals.

Comment by: Jean on 16th May 2010 at 22:18

thankyou mark......Can`t beat the old scrubbing brush and elbow grease!!

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