Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 15th April, 2010)
Do You Know What it is?
Come on Mick, everybody knows what it is...
It's a.....erm...
It's a..........ah........THING.!!!!
Gee, i thought Henry Moore was bad....I reckon if you have to ask what a piece of art is, then it has not served it's purpose...good luck anyway.
you tax dollars sorry tax pounds at work sell it to canada they bought yer old subs lol
Looks like you parked your bike behind the "objet de art".
If that is spelled right.
What is the meaning? Finished and unfinished?
A bicycle stand, apparently.
A load of cod`s wallop !!
An alien bug.
And they call that art????
I know what it is Mick, it's another waste of tax payers money.
It's obviously a pig
It is RIDICULOUS a total waste of time, space and money.....
typical Northerners
Looks like you parked your bike behind the "objet de art".
Yes its very good to lean you bike against Ken
Now come on you Wiganers, you know very well what it is, it's a...well it's like a heavy metal thingy that you, well..em... you sort of well...park your bike against ?
Top marks again for the Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council I say ! Vote with your feet next time boys & girls !
There is a fine line between a genius and an idiot. I'll leave you guys to figure out which side of the line this artist belongs to. The same applies to the people that commissioned the piece(of ****) Hopefully this will be stolen
I would imagine the scuplture has to do with the mill ...
I like it
I Know!
A man was riding the bike,
he fell off, and that's how his head feels....
its an oxo cube with a sting in its tale ([g]and that is not spelt wrong[/g] )
We recently took a wrong turning in Atherton and ended up on a new estate where there was a fabulous statue of three miners being lowered into the pit for their shift, totally in keeping with our heritage, AND you could tell what it was meant to be. And what do we get in Wigan? That daft circle of dancers or whatever they are at Bryn, that monstrosity of a head in Millgate, and THIS contraption, whatever it's meant to be!
Well, that will bring a lot of visitors to Wigan, won't it????????????
Should have gone to Specsavers I think.
There were many pits in Atherton... and whats up with ATHERTON any way?
It does seem odd.. to come from a photograph of Wigan's Industrial Heritage from the day before (20 Bridges) that is crying out for some money to be spent on it... to see this piece of crap that has cost the rate-payer god knows how much money.
The most expensive bicycle rack in the North West, and the ugliest.
I totally agree with the comments of Janet, Helen and Dennis Miller. Lets put important situations in perspective, and stop wasting rate payers money. Wigan Council, are you paying attention.
Now... I have to ask... it has just occurred to me.
Was ratepayers money spend on that sculpture? Or was it paid for by whatever company manages the apartments that are there now?
Either way, it is money wasted, but is it our money? I myself am just assuming the council have paid for these monstrosities.
Dennis, I would say Council... OUR money pays for it.
Graffiti nuts will have field day.
I don't know... a lick of paint may improve it a bit.
Ant, there's NOTHING wrong with Atherton; the statue I mentioned was there because there had been a pit there. Atherton has got it RIGHT; it's Wigan that can't seem to get it right, putting up daft statues that have nothing whatsoever to do with Wigan's heritage. If I lived in Atherton, I'd be as proud as punch of that brilliant statue......sorry if I came across wrong.
Over a week has past and still know one knows what it is?????
Irene, you have said nothing wrong, it's Ant who cant understand plain English.
Is ANT ever happy about anything ?
Love tricias comments .
Wigan council quite rightly get some stick........who thinks of these great ideas?
Ask our famous LORD SMITH OF LEIGH,
I'm sure he can explain how and why
our council tax is squandered on com
plete and utter total RUBBISH.
What a total waste of our money..........Wigan Council.....