Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 13th October, 2009)
Down t'pit

Photo: Brian (Fuji Finepix S7000)
good perspective and interesting colours. Well done Brian.
ohh i couldnt go down there,my dad was a did they do it? good photo..
Fantastic shot! Where was it? It's the thought of the rocks above me that freaks me out. Thanks
Where was this Brian?
Brian you deserve a medal for this photo. Well done and thanks.
It's an old drift mine dating back to the early 1800s. Sorry, not allowed to disclose where it is. The NCB have capped it and do check it regularly - we gained access further along.
really interesting Brian, what seam is it? Can anyone tell me about 2 circular concrete circular blocks between the new Ince Health Centre and the old Springs Branch Railway by the rough path. Are the capped shafts?I'm more used to the triangular caps.Could they be anything to do with the old Springs Branch Colliery? these are west of the railway though and SBC was to the east I thought. Very grateful for suggestions.
Neil they are sewers mate