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Photos of Wigan

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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 9th July, 2009)


Galleries and outdoor market.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 4,857

Comment by: elmos on 9th July 2009 at 11:12

the colours on this photo are great BRIAN, THANKS.

Comment by: john on 6th September 2009 at 23:28

I was at Wigan college studying for my A levels when the Galleries was built. Nice to see it has been well looked after and the market seems to be going strong. I now live in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire ... this website is great for trips down memory lane. The old buildings round Bromsgrove don't seem to be anything like as good or interesting as the old buildings in and around Wigan. Sometimes wish I still lived there.

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