Photo-a-Day (Saturday, 20th June, 2009)
When was this taken?
Not 20th June.
As I write this it is now 00:10 on the 20th
That's a beautiful photo Dave,just beautiful.
Nobody said it was taken today Kipper. I took this shot in March this year.
Thanks Maureen :-)
Nice one Dave. There was a place in Hall Lane. Where some one used to feed birds. One of the few places I can get to. A few took photographs there. For some reason it has been removed. Most likely health and safety or pest control. It was like an aviary .Where was this taken?.
Dave, have you ever thought of entering the BBC Countryfile annual photographic competition? You would win hands down! Beautiful photo.
I have seen Mr Robin in my garden only yesterday? Hes out and about all year round.
A fantastic photo Dave, thanks for posting it!
Yet another gem Dave.
Fanx Folks :)
I've had a rest Dave but your robin has tempted me back to comment.I have done dozens of robins,they're all different but this one is a cracker.Cheers.
I got a Christmas card with that robin on only ours as some glitter around the edges and a sprig of holly
gorgous love robins had a few in my garden but noy seen them for ages?anybody know why they dissapear?
You probably see them less in the summer when there is more natural food around out there and they don't need to come as close to us for food.
thanks dave.
the feeders in hall lane have been removed because the birds can find food for themselves now.they will be back in winter.