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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 19th November, 2008)

The Clacker Man

The Clacker Man
Mr Clacker. Spoons have been replaced by aluminium draught excluder strips or something similar :)

Photo: Dave  (Nikon D3 - Nikon 28-70mm AF-S F2.8)
Views: 4,992

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 19th November 2008 at 00:06

I'd book him for my wake.Rik-Raks is what we used to call them.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 19th November 2008 at 07:08

We called them `rick racks` & used meat bones, when I was a lad.

Comment by: joan whittle on 19th November 2008 at 14:30

my dad still has some Rik Raks that are made from bones.

Comment by: Lionel A on 6th June 2014 at 14:16

I was born in Blackburn, although my dad's family were from Lowton St Mary, Golborn.I envied the rick-rack players. A couple of pieces of rib bone and they were away! I never had the dexterity to develop the skill. Now they are purely for the nostalgia buffs. No-one wants to admit today that spoond and rik raks proved the point that if necessity was the mother of invention, poverty was often the dad.

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