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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Photo-a-Day Archive
Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 2nd November, 2008)


Junction of Dicconson Lane and A6 on the morning of 22nd October at 10am. Traffic backs up to Aspull Village.

Photo: Harry Cunliffe  (Nikon Coolpix 7900)
Views: 5,154

Comment by: Cyril on 2nd November 2008 at 13:25

Thanks for reminding me about that morning Harry, I was stuck in that queue of traffic for ages trying to get to Bolton. It was horrendous! With this point being on top of a hill you wouldn't expect it to flood, but the rain water was coming off the fields faster than the drains could carry it away. Good action shot though Harry!

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 13th November 2011 at 12:10

That fellow in the 4x4 don't care if he soaks the white van or anyone walking, typical of those type of drivers.

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