Photo-a-Day (Saturday, 27th September, 2008)
New Path

Photo: Ian & Allison (Canon PowerShot A560)
Good photo this, showing the new Flood Defences and the Adam Viaduct, which is a Grade II Listed Building, because of the method of construction and the materials used. Has anyone got more detail of this?
Jim, more info on Adams Bridge here:
Am puzzled as to what the buildings are. Is the red one B & Q ? The chimneys fox me.
The red building is the Bus depot and the chimneys are eckersleys mill and trencherfield mill i think and to the right under the bridge leads to the red pond
Great link Brian, Thanks.
Without sounding thick :-) what's the difference between a viaduct and a bridge?
Dictionary says...
Viaduct: a bridge consisting of a series of arches supported by piers used to carry a road (or railway) over a valley.
So is the key word "valley" ?
Thanks for that info, Brian. Glad to see that you got a mention for submitting your photos.