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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Photo-a-Day Archive
Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 12th July, 2008)

Hewlett Street

Hewlett Street
Impressive buildings on Hewlett Street, soon to be the site of Wigan Baths. The facade of the building will be saved, the interior will be demolished for the new £67M pool and library.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji S7000)
Views: 4,933

Comment by: bob b on 2nd August 2009 at 14:20

Another super building ruined Wigan council just have not got a clue, It would not happen in other towns, This Labour council should be got rid of as soon as possible while we still have any town left, All the council do is spend our council tax money on their own fancy lifestyles, They could not care less about this town,

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