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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 17th February, 2007)

Church on Caroline Street

Church on Caroline Street
The old Church on Caroline Street. Can anyone give us any history?

Photo: Dave  (Nikon D200 : Nikon 17-55mm F2.8 DX)
Views: 5,243

Comment by: pat sixsmith on 17th February 2007 at 00:25

theres a bit on st judes web site

Comment by: Jon on 17th February 2007 at 08:12

St Joseph's R.C. Church.

Comment by: John Alan Brogan on 2nd February 2008 at 21:10

I lived just around the corner from St Josephs Church from when I was born in 1948 until I reached the age of 13 in 1961 when my father took the family to live in Horwich. I also went to St Josephs scool which used to stand in Hodson Streetjust at the side of the Wigan Pier car park.

In the 1950s, this parish had 4 preists and 6 masses every Sunday along with at least 4 masses every weekday. The church was always packed and quite often it was standing room only at some of the masses on Sunday. Many will remember Fr Cronin who was a curate and then parish preist for many years. Other Parish Preists that I rember Father Shea and Father Tobin.

The demise of St Josephs occured when Wigan Council demolised all the terraced housing stock in the wallgate area and moved people out to the Marsh Green and Worsley Mesnes council estates. I believe that the church is a listed building and that is why it has not been demolished

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