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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 22nd November, 2006)

Sir Francis Sharp Powell

Sir Francis Sharp Powell
Statue Sir Francis Sharp Powell Baronet in Mesnes Park. Born in Wigan 1827. M.P. for his native town 1857 - 9 and 1885 - 1910. Erected by public subscription 1910.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 5,487

Comment by: daghda maccuolahan on 22nd November 2006 at 21:29

when I were a young lass everyone that passed by this statue used to rub its foot (not in picture) and it were shiny as awt. Do't young 'uns still do't same?

Comment by: Brian on 22nd November 2006 at 21:33

Hi daghda - Yes they do. Its not just the young 'uns, I had a go last week. ;o)

Comment by: margaret rowden on 23rd November 2006 at 11:49

One of the photos you have from me show my brother and his friends draped around him - it must have been taken before 1941 - that was when most of them were called up

Comment by: margaret sudworth on 22nd September 2007 at 18:37

when i look at Sir Francis Sharp Powell he looks deep in thought. i wonder hat he would think of the world today?

Comment by: Laura on 30th October 2019 at 21:17

I wonder perhaps or he was an ancestor of Baden . Hope rubbing his foot brought you all good luck,perplexes me Brian why you didn't include this in photo so I agree with you Margaret sudworth this thoughtful,thinking gentleman would be appalled.

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