Upholland (Interesting Old News)
Published by Brian on Wednesday 3rd August 2022
Elopement, robbery, assault, fire, theft and all sorts of other news, Upholland was mentioned in the news a lot...

School Lane, UpHolland (Photo: Mick)
Burnley Gazette 02 March 1867
On Monday, at the Moot Hall, Wigan, William Gaskell, aged 23 or 24 years, collier, Upholland, near Wigan, was charged with stealing a small box, a necktie, a silk scarf, and a shawl, the property of Thomas Horrocks, farm labourer, of Upholland, with whom he lodged up to Friday last, when he eloped with Mrs. Horrocks. The runaways were traced to Bolton, on Sunday, and the prisoner taken into custody. The prisoner was remanded.
Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 27 July 1872
On Monday morning about one o'clock Police-sergeant Bennett, while on duty in the village of Upholland, discovered that a warehouse adjoining the shop of Mr. Stock, general dealer, was on fire. He at once raised an alarm, and the family, who slept near to the part which was burning, were got out just as the flames began to enter the bedrooms. A messenger was despatched to Wigan for the fire engine; and meanwhile Dr. Johnson and a number of neighbours worked most energetically to get the flames under. Mr. Chief Constable Simm returned from Wigan with the messenger, but, owing to a difficulty in procuring horses at that time of the night, the "Waterwitch" was delayed for some time; and on its arrival (in charge of Inspector Burton) the roof of the building had fallen in. The engine was kept at work until the fire was extinguished; not, however, before the shop and warehouse were a complete wreck. The stock was insured for £300, but that sum does not cover its value, the building and shop being estimated at £1,100. The fire is attributed to the spontaneous combustion of some cotton and woollen flocks, large quantities of which were kept on the premises. At one time it was feared the fire would spread to adjacent houses, but fortunately these were saved.
Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 01 August 1874
At the Wigan county police court on Wednesday, James Aspinall was charged with assaulting his wife, Margaret Aspinall, at Upholland, on Saturday. The defendant kicked his wife three or four times, hit her on the head with a stone, and threw a pig eleven weeks old upon her. - He was committed to prison for three months.
Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 30 January 1884
A sad and fatal accident happened to a young girl named Mary Ann Knox, at Skelmersdale, on Wednesday. The deceased, thirteen years of age, was the daughter of Andrew Knox, blacksmith, living at Holland Moor, Upholland, and at eleven o'clock on Wednesday morning she left her home for the purpose of taking her father's dinner to the Crow Orchard Colliery. On her way there she had to cross the river Tawd by means of a plank about eight yards long by fourteen inches wide, and which is without handrails. The river was much swollen by the recent heavy rain, and at half-past eleven John Shacklady, stoker of one of the Crow Orchard Company's locomotives, was on the bridge with the engine when he saw the girl struggling in the water, near to the plank, and evidently being washed away. He got off the engine for the purpose of going to her rescue, and when he got to the water he tried to take hold of her, but she slipped from his grasp. He saw her afterwards clinging to the bough of a tree, and he ran towards her, but before he could reach her she washed away, and he did not see her again. An alarm was given and Inspector Ormerod and others made instant search, but it was not until nine o'clock on Thursday that the body of the poor girl was found about 100 yards from where she attempted to cross the river.
Cumberland & Westmorland Herald 29 November 1884
At the Liverpool Assizes, on Saturday, Hugh Broderick, an Irish labourer, was charged with causing the death of another Irishman named Igoe, at Upholland, on the 18th ult. The deceased and his brother-in-law went to live at the house where Broderick and a number of other Irishmen had lodgings. On the night they went there they and the other occupants were drinking together, and at a late hour a quarrel commenced over a game of cards. Broderick was forcing one of the men out of the room, and Igoe then interfered in the dispute. Broderick immediately seized him by the throat, and forced him back over the table, where he held him until he was nearly strangled. Igoe never recovered consciousness, and died the same night. The jury found the prisoner guilt of manslaughter. Sentence was deferred.
Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 21 August 1895
About five o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, a fatal accident befel an old man named Wilson, a carter in the employ of Mr. George Makinson, of Grimshaw Delf, Upholland. It appears deceased was returning from Wigan with a load of manure, and when at the top of Upholland Brow he had occasion to strike the horse, which is a "jibber," when the shaft of the cart caught his breast and he was knocked down, the wheel going over his side and head, breaking several ribs and crushing his head out of all shape. He was dead when picked up. His remains were conveyed to Hall Green to await an inquest.
Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 09 November 1895
On Friday at the Wigan County Police Court, before Mr. H. S. Woodcock and other magistrates, a woman named Elizabeth Atherton, wife of a collier, of Alma Hill, Upholland, was charged with having neglected her five children, ranging in age from two to thirteen.
Mr. A. Smith prosecuted, and said the case was before the court on Monday and was adjourned for the doctor to give evidence.
Dr. G. W. Johnstone stated that he visited the house on the 26th August and found the children very dirty and in rags. The house was in an abominably filthy condition, and there was not a vestige of clothing or bedding whatever. There was also no food in the house.
Defendant was sent to prison for two months with hard labour.
Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 18 December 1895
Mr. S. Brighouse, the county coroner, held an inquest at the Crawford Arms, Crawford Village, relative to the death of Julius Held, age 51, of Crawford Village, Upholland, who was found dead in a ditch at 9 50 a.m. on the 13th inst., near Boundary Farm, Upholland. - Mary Ellen Held said she last saw her husband alive on Wednesday about 7 30 p.m. - John Webster, the landlord of Balcarres Arms, said deceased reached his house about 8 30 on Wednesday night, and stopped about an hour, during which time he had two pints of beer. It was a very dark and foggy night, and witness provided him with a lighted lantern, deceased going across the fields at the back of the public-house. He was sober when he left, and had been to see witness on business. - James Swift, a platelayer on the L. and Y. line, said that on Wednesday night he was fogging on the railway at Duke's Foot cabin, and heard a shout of "lost." He was in the cabin, being alone, dare not leave his post. The fog was very thick. He listened, but only heard one shout, which sounded as though from the direction of the collieries. - William Birchall, a bricklayer, of Crawford Village, deposed to finding the body about ten minutes to ten in a dry ditch at Boundary Farm. The lantern was lying close to deceased's hand and was broken. - A verdict of "Accidental death" was returned.
Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 12 June 1909
Joseph Costello (37), labourer, was sent to gaol for six months with hard labour for having at Upholland, on the 31st May, stolen a number of knives and forks and a cruet from a refreshment room there, the property of Timothy Howard Stokes. Prisoner pleaded that the articles were put into his pocket by some person while he was drunk.
Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 24 September 1910
At the Wigan County Police Court, on Monday morning, a charge of assault was preferred by Emma Green, a married woman, of Upholland, against Wm. Grimshaw, collier, of 21, Sandbrook-road, Upholland. The complainant alleged that he came to her house, and pushed her to the floor, making her so ill that she had to have the attention of Fr. Brown. Defendant did not agree that her evidence was exactly true, although he pleaded guilty. He said the woman had assaulted his wife, and he went to the house to ask her the meaning of it. - He was fined 2s. 6d. and costs.
Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 04 June 1912
A shocking accident happened at Upholland on Friday last week, when a railway brakesman named Henry Cave (37) of 15, Crawford Village, Upholland, was run over and killed by a waggon during some shunting operations near the Holland Colliery, Upholland.
Deceased was engaged coupling up waggons on a siding connected to the colliery about four o'clock in the afternoon, at which time he was connecting up about twenty full and empty waggons with two others, which were about fifty yards away. he ran beside the twenty moving waggons until they came into contact with the other two waggons when he jumped backwards on to the brake of the first moving waggon with the intention of pulling out the pin and applying the brake. In doing so, however, he unfortunately over-balanced himself, and fell on to the line, and one of the waggons passed over the centre of his body.
Robert Charnock, surface foreman at the colliery, who was in close proximity, at one ran to the assistance of the deceased, and after sending for Dr. Shirlaw, of Upholland, had deceased removed to his home on a stretcher. Deceased lingered about half an hour, but died before the arrival of the doctor.
Mr. S. Brighouse, the County Coroner, held the inquest at the Crawford Inn, Crawford Village, on Tuesday morning. Mr. Mottram, H.M.I.M., was also present.
Evidence of identification was given by Mrs. Cave, the widow, and Robert Charnock, surface foreman of the colliery, corroborated the details given above.
The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death."
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