Photo Requests
Published by Brian on Thursday 18th June 2020
Now accepting Wigan photo requests.

If you're a Wiganer that has moved away and want to see a photo from where you once lived, let us know.
Maybe you live not too far away but would like to see a photo featured on Photo-a-Day.
We're open to requests, ask us to take a photo and we'll do our best.
I don't know the thoughts of others, but why was the system changed. I have to learn something else to see WigWorld. I thought the original system was excellent so why change.
I am now on Vancouver Island in western Canada. I was brought up in Orrell Gardens (near Orrell Post) and educated at Upholland Grammar School from 1948 to 1955. I emigrated in 1975. I would be delighted to see any photo that relates to my past.
I am 84 years old now and unlikely to visit the U.K. again. Thank you so much.
Ken R, to answer your question... I had no choice, the old site was penalised on 2 counts. It no longer appeared in the search engines because it wasn't responsive (old code) and didn't have an SSL (secure padlock). The new site layout is as the old site.
Alan, thanks for the reply. I will get out soon with my camera. If there is anything specific (ie. a house or building) you would like to see again, please email me and I'll do my best.
Alan on Vancouver Island...Let me know which house you lived in in Orrell Gardens and I'll get an up to date photograph for you. Upholland Grammer School is now "Winstanley College" I can get a photograph of that too.
Just a thought I was born and brought up at Sicklefield House down Brock Mill Lane. I spent my first thirty years there being born in 1939 so was there as a little boy when in World War 2 was going on. Whilst all the bombing was going on over Liverpool a fleeing German aircraft dropped a bomb in the grounds of my old home. Just in on the right from the drive entrance. This was a crater for many years. It caused a lot of devastation to my old old. What troubles me is that this bomb on Wigan is little recorded and I would not like that event to pass unnoticed. I think it occurred about 1942-43 though not sure .But I remember my granny putting me under the dinning room table and cushions around me..
Hi Brian. Can you tell me how to look at past photo-a-day pictures. I can only see the current day.
Hi Alan,
If you click the photo, it will reload with the photo from the day before. Click again for the day before that, etc.
To view month by month, scroll down and you'll see another menu on left hand side titled "Photo-a-Day Archive".
Hi, Can anyone tell me how I upload a couple of photos please. First time I am doing it.
Simon Topping
Hi can anyone tell me how to place a couple photos I have uploaded in to the correct album? It in, Assorted / 723 Sqn Air Training Corps - Wigan
Many thanks
as anyone got an old photo of warrington road lower ince
Was a member a long time ago and Think it as lasd some time ago.
A long time ago, maybe 30 plus years ago when Brian Elsie was running Wiganworld, he asked if people would nsend in old pictures of Wigan, so I did. Because I have not visited thye site for some time, the package and format seems to have changed and I can't find what I am looking for?! What I would like to find are the images that I donated because I want to wander down my memory lane to recapture some of them. I was using Photobucket which seems to have ceased and when I was asked by them if i wanted to keep my images, I would have to pay and was unable to. I can find some of those images within my own foles but a while ago, I lost a complete drive of images by accident, not reading the computer request properly, I deleted all the files on the drive. Nor did I know at the time that had I not messed with it, I would have been ablew to recover them! anyway, if someone could give me some instructions as to how to navigate aroundm this site, I may be able to fi9nd what I'm looking for? It took me ages to find this page where I could type my message!! If some kind sole would sewnd me an email, that would be most welcome? I no longer use my old email address but if that were to help, I will offer it? Thank you for your ear and I jhope someone will write back and tell me what is what and where I can find it? Thank you. I do post images that I have captured with my camera on Facebook, so, if you'd like to take a gander, feel free. Thanks again