Wigan Album
Item #: 35594
I do Ron !
We were provided with a 6 bottle carrier, the Pop Man took the empties & we chose 6 new bottles.
I liked Dandelion & Burdock, Vimto & Cherryade. The Cherryade made your mouth go a bright shade of pink , probably plenty of nasty things in it in those far off days .... I also loved Tizer, that made your mouth orange !
Yes, I do. I remember the pale green Cream Soda which somehow never really quenched your thirst, and I have a book of Nigel Slater's in which he says "it was like drinking a Victoria Sponge Cake", and he was right! I also recall Barton's pop-man from Barton's pop-works in Ince, with bottles of Dandelion and Burdock with a black screw-on top shaped like a little spinning-top.
I loved Dandelion and Burdock sometimes we got Tizer. Only on a Sunday ..I don’t think it was Corona though.
You’re right Irene I don’t think any of them quenched your thirst and the pop was always ‘ gassy’…
Good old days Ron, the pop man that came around Springfield was Schofield, and like Helen says we had a crate of six bottles and alternated flavours each week, Dandelion & Burdock was a favourite of mine, the kids loved it and would eagerly await the delivery just like they would with the ice cream man.
Must say I liked BARTONS pop from Ince. Which came in a big stone bottle with a corkscrew top, was the best. If you could lift a full bottle with one hand to pour it into a glass..
Probably the bottles themselves are worth a few pounds now??
I remember having a stone hotwater-bottle at our house. It was filled in the middle with a screw cap. Whether it was meant to be a water-bottle I’m not sure.
I have a Barton's old-fashioned GLASS pop-bottle, Ron, the sort that had a glass marble for a stopper, but not one of the stone ones. Veronica, the stone hot water bottle you had WAS a hot-water bottle, in the days before rubber ones.
I remember my Granny had 2 of that type of 'bottle' Veronica. They were used as hot water bottles, wrapped up a in a cloth to keep your tootsies warm on a cold & frosty night. You sometimes see then in bygones shops today.
I’m sure there was a pop brand called Ben Shaws that use to do various soft drinks in large glass bottles too. As a child, I don’t remember the mobile ‘pop man’ but I do recall the glass bottled pop being sold in some local shops in Pemberton where I grew up. Long before the age of the recycling bins, some shops used to accept the empty bottles being returned. Can anyone verify if discounts were given to your next soft drink purchase if you returned the empty????
Another Substitute Hot Water Bottle. Was a shelf out of a Yorkshire Range oven, wrapped in a blanket.
You're right, Ron! And when I was a child in Ince we had a duckstone, (a cobblestone), heated in the oven and placed in an old sock in the bottom of the bed, (and wo betide you if there was a hole in the sock and you burnt your toe!) CJ Alan, I remember Ben Shaw's pop very well. I have a hot water bottle every night at this time of year.....much better than an electric blanket! I love my hot water bottle!
Ben Shaw's is lovely pop they still make various flavours, I get my supply from pemberton and love cloudy lemonade and Dandelion & Burdock.
I remember taking small Guinness bottles back to the outdoor licence at the bottom of the street. You would get threepence for one. Milk bottles were a penny. It’s a pity they don’t do that today with cans because you see them just flung on the ground. Too lazy to put them in bins.
When I was about four year old I went on an adventure on my three wheeled bike. I lived in Ridyard st and I had cycled all the way down to Scot Lane, the pop man recognized me and took me all the way home to find my mum panick stricken. God only knows what would have happened these days?
I can remember a scandal in Shevington when someone’s mum ran off with the Corona Man.
I remember him. He used to park up in Ruskin Ave, (off St Pauls Ave) and was always welcomed by me and my siblings.
It’s a change from running off with the coal man! Sorry Garry.