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The Brysons

1 Comment

Brysons on Tour
Brysons on Tour
Photo: Helen
Views: 2,395
Item #: 9104
Must have been taken in the early 30's, I have no idea where or the makes of the cars. My Grandfather's younger brother Alex in the big cap faces the camera, Mary my Granny on the far side of the rear car with her younger sister Jean opposite. The boy is Frank Ogilvie the adopted son of Alex & Jean. The two brothers married the 2 sisters. My Grandparents & Alex were born in Scotland. Jean was born in a place called Rush Run in Virginia USA, where my great grandfather had gone to seek his fortune as a miner... he came back 4 yrs later.

Comment by: Dave Lewis on 6th February 2009 at 22:58

what a very nice neat photo Helen, love the old cars thanks for sharing.

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