Wigan Album
Wedding Photogaphs.
Photo: David Culshaw
Item #: 35577
Agnes Nee Gallagher (Culshaw) is the little girl- Bridesmaid.
The photo was taken by Austin Lyons- The Stidio, 7 Hill St, Ladies Lane, Hindley, Wigan.
I am told the lady is Winnie Colleen, its was a photo kept by my late mother.
Lovely photo
Marriage of a Winifred Killeen and Thomas Lowe on website www.freelancsbmd in Wigan,1952.
I thought the surname should have been spelt Killeen. I knew a girl from St Patrick Street named Agnes Gallagher just a bit older than myself. . I thought the photo was earlier than 1959. I wonder if the bride was related to Bridget Killeen who lived in Vauxhall Rd. She worked at the ROF Euxton I knew her very well. Killeen was her maiden name.
What a beautiful wedding dress,and the little girl looks lovely as well..they must have had wealthy relatives.
I remember the worn down step as well. The church was built in the mid 1800’s. It was always packed to the rafters right up to when I left in 1969. The steps are tiled over these days. I’m imagining all the people who walked over the threshold. Me and my pal used to go regularly to see the weddings and funerals when they came out of church I don’t suppose that would happen these days.
A lovely photo of the wedding scene...Having been a florist all my working like , I would say that bouquet is from the 1940s, few flowers & lots of maidenhair fern, the man's suit too says the 1940s
Name Winifred Killeen
Gender Female
Age 6 Years 4 Months
Relation to Head Daughter
Orphanhood Both Parents Alive
Estimated Birth Year 1915
Birth Place Wigan, Lancashire, England
Residence Date 1921
Residence Street Address 63 Hardybutts
Residence Place Wigan, Lancashire, England
Education Whole-Time James Killeen 41 Years 6 Months Head
Margaret Killeen 42 Years 3 Months Wife
Margaret Killeen 10 Years 5 Months Daughter
Winifred Killeen 6 Years 4 Months Daughter
Katherine McMahon 16 Years 2 Months Niece ( Although on the transcript it says nephew ) !!
Name Winifred Killeen
Gender Female
Marital Status Single
Birth Date 10 Feb 1915
Residence Date 1939
Address 63 Hardybutts
Residence Place Wigan, Lancashire, England
Occupation Unpaid Domestic Duties James Killeen Male 1880 A,R P Full Time
Margaret Killeen Female 1879 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Winifred Killeen Female 1915 Unpaid Domestic Duties
This record is officially closed.
Margaret Killeen Female 1911 Tailors Finisher
Name Winifred Killeen
Registration Date 1915
Quarter of the Year Jan-Feb-Mar
Registration Place Wigan, Lancashire, England