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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Jackson family


The handsome page boy !.
The handsome page boy !.
Photo: Thomas Jackson
Views: 2,469
Item #: 14796
This is the day many years ago I was a page boy at my cousin Barbara,s wedding at All Saints Chapel, Hindley.Im all dressed in my black suit and white shirt and for once....clean. !.To the right is my eldest sister Josephine, my cousin Barbara, and her 2 sisters as bridesmaids, Marion and Brenda.

Comment by: Caroline fishking on 23rd August 2021 at 21:14

I'm looking for a brenda jackson she used to live on marsh Green then moved to frog Lane

Comment by: Tracie Lord on 11th March 2024 at 13:32


Brenda Jackson is my mother

Could we get in touch?

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