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Banks 1911 Census
Banks 1911 Census
Photo: Ian B
Views: 3,134
Item #: 12899
Note: number of children born alive 13, children still living 5, children who have died 8. So sad to see but common for the time ...

Comment by: Ian Banks on 30th December 2009 at 13:17

The above Banks family on the 1901 Census:

28, Caroline Street, Wigan
John Banks Head Married Age 36 Coal miner & hewer Born Wigan
Mary Banks Wife Married Age 38 Born Ince
Henry Banks Son Single Age 15 Coal miner's labourer Born Ince
Ann Banks Daughter Single Age 12 Scholar Born Ince
Elizabeth Banks Daughter Single Age 10 Scholar Born Ince
John Banks Son Single Age 7 Scholar Born Ince
Thomas Banks Son Single Age 3 Born Ince
William Banks Son Single Age 1 Born Ince (Died 1906 aged 6)

Also the family on 1891 Census: 36, Broom Street, Ince
John Banks Head Married Age 26 Coal miner Born Wigan
Mary Banks Wife Married Age 29 Born Ince
Henry Banks Son Single Age 5 Born Ince
Ann Banks Daughter Single Age 2 Born Ince
Elizabeth Banks Daughter Single Age 2 Months Born Ince

Comment by: Paul (Derek) Banks on 28th April 2010 at 08:32

what are the chances that our family name is banks we also lived at 28 caroline street my mothers name was elizabeth banks/nee butterworth and my father was john william banks

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