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Emanuel Powell
Emanuel Powell
Photo: Bev Carter
Views: 2,332
Item #: 12143
This photo is of my Gt G/father Emanuel Powell taken in the early 1900's.With his cart loaded up with fruit and veg before setting off to Wigan market.

Comment by: John on 12th October 2009 at 10:55

What a great picture Emanuel.

Comment by: Sue on 12th October 2009 at 11:54

The quality of this photo is gteat,one of the best ones Ive seen on WW.

Comment by: Marie on 12th October 2009 at 12:03

Emanual I love this Photo.

Comment by: Graham on 12th October 2009 at 12:53

We should have more like this! What a lovely picture Bev,is that James holding the reins? where is the location? and who is the lady showing interest standing in the doorway?

Comment by: Marg on 12th October 2009 at 18:56

Bev as this picture been restored Its great.

Comment by: Bev Carter on 14th October 2009 at 01:00

Graham, i presume you mean James Powell from the Wigan Lane shop photo. No they where cousins. This shot was taken about 1905ish. I think the lady in the doorway is Emanuels wife Sarah. The boy at the front is his sister Minnies lad, she married Joseph Waring. The photo was sent to us from another family member, so i don't know if it has been cleaned up in any way.

Comment by: Graham on 14th October 2009 at 23:24

Maybe it was cleaned up by in 2002 by PW (P.Waring?)

Comment by: Jennifer Bolton (Powell) on 4th January 2012 at 20:47

The photo of James Powell outside the fruit shop is my dad's (Donald Wesley Powell) Grandfather. We all lived at no.82 + 84 Wigan Lane so it is amazing to see the photo. We didn't know about Emanuel, but they both look just like my dad. Must dig out the family tree!

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