Wigan Album
Item #: 35570
Looking at the Manor House you could imagine Bonnie Prince Charlie hiding there. The plaque on a modern wall though doesn’t quite do it justice. I did read he also hid in the Church tower I don’t know if that is true but hiding in different places seems logical. There’s so many legends of the Prince - I also read he died an alcoholic in France years later.
It’s a smart plaque which looks quite new.
I have a book of my Mother's , The White Cockade Passes. Set in Wigan it tells the story of a young Jacobite soldier , who became ill, think his name was Malcolm, who was hidden in the Parish Church Tower & cared for by the Rector's Daughter, there was mention of a secret tunnel from the church to the Rectory. A good story which I re read now & again.
Helen, it might have been yourself that inspired me to obtain a copy of ‘The White Cockade Passes’ some time back. It’s hard to find and being rare quite expensive.
It’s an excellent read and takes you back to Wigan of the mid 1700’s.
Take a look on the Album at The Manor House posting, it’s very interesting.
Where can I find the book I wouldn’t mind reading it. I believe it was on Amazon at one time. I no longer go on that site I was robbed of £ 200 a couple of years ago due to not cancelling something or other I didn’t need.
Veronica, there are several websites dealing in old books. I think one is called Abe Books , I'll have a look & let you know.
Veronica my friend has a copy I'll ask him if I can borrow it.
Oh thanks very much Ron. I would love to read that book as I have head on here a lot of people talking about it. And thanks as well Helen I wouldn’t mind a copy of my own.
Veronica . There are two copies of the White Cockade Passes for sale at the moment one costing £24 and the second £65 on the abebooks uk website. I bought one some time ago, the only copy I could find anywhere came from Australia. It's in lovely condition, although obviously well read, and I think the child who owned must have treasured it.
Yes I have seen them Meg. My granddaughter will order one for me. Thank you very much.
Hope it’s not gone before she does!
Veronica, should you fail to obtain a copy, perhaps we could meet up at The Robert Shaw and I will lend you mine.
Fingers crossed Veronica. Happy reading !
Thank you all very kind of you I am hoping Millicent has ordered it by now. If not…..I can see I’ll be inundated. She won’t let me down I’m sure. I’ll keep you updated. I thought the book would be in the hundreds to be honest.
The book is ordered I await with anticipation. I hope the pages are gilded with gold! Only joking. I hope it doesn’t get lost on the way…and thanks again everyone.
I have received the book at last. Just to let you know I am savouring every page of it. I was reading it until 1 30 this morning. Just to say also it is in good condition and was first awarded to a girl named Ann Dickinson at Rivington Sunday School in 1952. The linen cover is faded naturally and there’s no ‘dust jacket’ to it as it would have put the book in a very high price bracket. I’m really drawn into the plot and learning about secret passages in the Parish Church and picturing the streets around the old Manor House. I’m seeing the photo of the Manor House now with different eyes! What a shame we only have the plaque on the wall. Kathleen Fidler was a great storyteller. Thanks to all who mentioned it.
Veronica, so pleased you enjoyed it.
Mine is in a similar condition, quite unassuming in faded blue without the original dust cover with the name M.H. Smith in ink. It even smells old!
It was first published in1947 and has a interesting little logo inside stating:
'Book Production War Economy Standard' and further goes on to state: 'This Book Is Produced In Complete Conformity With The Authorised Economy Standards'.
I was too eager to read the book to notice this before.
Yes I have finished the book Colin. I will put it away for another read again. I thought it was refreshingly innocent. I have another book which was published in 1948. It’s called “ Three Came Home”. Written by Agnes Newton Keith a rare edition and a true story made into a film with Claudette Colbert. You can see it on ytube. It is a true story about the fall of Singapore to the Japanese. She and her husband and son were taken prisoner for 4 long years. It’s a good film to watch. But the book itself delves more into it. I must have read it 3 times.