Wigan Album
4 CommentsPhoto: Daniel Catterall
Item #: 35519
What a sad scene Daniel. Long ago I went to the Wesleyan School & I took part in a carol service in that chapel. I stood high up next to the organ looking down at the congregation. I had to recite a passage from the Bible....'' And there were shepherds abiding in the fields by night ''.....I can still recite the words !
A criminal act of vandalism to lose this church on Dicconson Street and the old electric showroom building next door on Standishgate.
And all for what, a dual carriageway!
The building in the gap between the back of the Electricity Showrooms on Standishgate and what remains of the Wesleyan Church on Dicconson Street, was the Service Department for The Central Wireless Company.This company had operated from 52 Standishgate with Radio&TV Showrooms, Offices and also provided a Radio Relay Service from those premises from the 1930’s, which incidentally was the Savings Bank Building in the late 1800’s.
Every building that’s been demolished has robbed Wigan of its unique identity over the years until there’s hardly anything left of what was a superior town in its time.
As the song goes ‘‘nothing compares”.