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Wigan gas works


Wigan Gas Works
Wigan Gas Works
Photo: Michael Wareing (photographer: Geoffrey Wareing)
Views: 796
Item #: 35020
Photo taken in the 60s, can anyone identify the location?

Comment by: Rich. on 29th March 2024 at 09:33

I would guess at one of the side streets that used to run off Chapel Lane just after where the Range is now.?

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 29th March 2024 at 11:18

I think Ron posted a similar picture a while back asking the same question.
It could very well be where Rich thinks it is.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 29th March 2024 at 11:38

I agree with Rich. My great-grandma was born in one of those streets, and when I tried to find it on an old map there was a "WOOD STREET" and a "WOODS STREET" quite close to each other in that area, which must have caused some confusion with the post, especially in pre-postcode days!

Comment by: Cyril on 29th March 2024 at 13:16

I too was thinking if it could be around the area where Bradford Street used to be, my mother had an aunt who lived along there, and I hated it when we would go and visit because we had to in to the yard, and breathing in that awful smell coming from the gas works with it being at the back, but the aunt couldn't smell anything with being used to it. Obviously around there always did have a whiffy town gas like smell, but nearer to the works it had a distinctively strong sulphurous, or stink bomb like smell too, which would have come from the hydrogen gas. Those houses did begin to get demolished around the early 1960s as the aunt had to move, she died not long after and was in her late nineties, so maybe breathing that air from the gas works had a longevity effect.

You can't tell on the photo, but the main rail line ran between those streets and the gas works, and there was also a goods yard off Chapel Lane just after the bridge, and on the site where Do it All was built, it's now The Range.

Comment by: Stuart on 29th March 2024 at 14:58

It can't be where The Range is because the railway would be right behind and it isn't. If you look to the right, above the industrial units, there is a double-decker bus which doesn't belong to Wigan Corporation. This will be a Lancashire United bus heading along Warrington Road on it's way towards Platt Bridge. I think this picture is taken somewhere near where Boundary Street is now.

Comment by: Rich. on 29th March 2024 at 18:03

After studying other photos of the gasworks Ive had second thoughts about where this photo was taken. See Item #: 5825 and Item #: 34999 under Chapel Lane Photos in the album.
If this photo was taken from the Chapel Lane / Bradford Street end, then the gas tank would be on the left of this photo.
I think it could have been take somewhere near Sovereign Road or Darlington Street.?

Comment by: J carter on 22nd July 2024 at 18:35

It is taken in side street of Darlington street it's where my best friend lived I lived in Darlington st.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 22nd July 2024 at 18:59

J carter what was the name of the street do you know?

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