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Slum clearance
Slum clearance
Photo: Michael Wareing (photographer: Geoffrey Wareing)
Views: 731
Item #: 35018
Scholes, 1960s.

Comment by: Veronica on 29th March 2024 at 11:33

It’s strange how the houses didn’t look at all bad when lived in …..until they were being demolished.

Comment by: Andy Lomax on 29th March 2024 at 20:21

Nail on the head Veronica. In many cases they were not slums, but found within a demolition area. It's gone full cirlce with a greater need for housing it's a pity new houses weren't built upon the same footprints for continuation.

I remember Ricky Tomlinson in his book describing the housing officer coming to his place and condemning it - there was nothing wrong with it and had recently been renovated.

Comment by: Veronica on 29th March 2024 at 22:11

Yes that’s true Andy and in doing so communities were destroyed. All scattered about…streets of close neighbours separated in one fell swoop.

Comment by: Carolaen on 29th March 2024 at 22:13

Andy I both strongly both disagree and agree with you on different points. I well remember these very houses in Scholes as many of my classmates in the 1950s and 60s from St Catharines and playmates from St Pats lived in them. The ones that were demolished really were in a poor state. Nothing to do with the occupiers but the quality of construction , brickwork was very poor and the houses literally crumbling. NB the houses that remain in the area , along Scholefield lane, Vauxhall Road, Hardybutts etc were better constructed from Accrington red bricks and were rightly renovated and stand to this day.
I like you however think very strongly that new, better built housing should have kept to the same urban footprint and retained street frontages and small shops. I have travelled extensively in the Netherlands and they have managed to do exactly this in many towns. as it is we ended up with large empty areas of boring grass (green concrete) dotted with high density flats which does not reflect well the traditional pattern of urban living in Wigan and many parts of the UK.

Comment by: Veronica on 29th March 2024 at 23:06

Where I live the terraced housing which would be the same age as these were are going for nearly £200,000 for 2 bedrooms when they have been done up.

Comment by: John Simpson on 24th May 2024 at 02:05

This is THE most important thing to remember - They are NOT slums......Until the council want to knock them down. That is when they become slums.

Comment by: Veronica on 25th May 2024 at 12:25

I agree John Simpson
..what a ‘slur’ on the homely folk who lived in them. The cleaning those women did to make the best of them. Cleaner than a lot of property today.

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