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wigan baths


Wigan baths - Newspaper Photo
Wigan baths - Newspaper Photo
Photo: Tim Cooke
Views: 1,390
Item #: 34572
Photo taken in the 60's by the local paper

Comment by: Veronica on 8th August 2023 at 09:06

It brings back memories of learning to swim at the old baths. I remember the ‘blue cabins’ were we changed. I also remember a photo in the newspaper of a group of swimmers and I was sat on the steps aged about 12. I kept the cutting but like a lot of things it was lost. We were never away from those baths.

Comment by: John Brown on 10th August 2023 at 09:25

This takes me back a ways.

Comment by: Maureen on 25th August 2023 at 08:06

I used to pay sixpence a week to a woman who tried to teach us to swim I just couldn't learn with someone else telling me how.. ( she was actually on the tv programme 'Whats my line',..my Dad bought me a rubber ring from the Army and Navy stores in Wallgate and I taught myself..I must have always been awkward.

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