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Dog And Partridge Pemberton.

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Jem Lowes & Crispin Arms -  Last Orders Bell!!
Jem Lowes & Crispin Arms - Last Orders Bell!!
Photo: Tim Cooke
Views: 2,521
Item #: 27809
This is the 'Last Orders' bell that belonged to Jem Lowe who had the Dog & Partridge in Pemberton, before moving it to the Crispin Arms in Birkett Bank. It was from the ship 'Fanny Slater' which came to a sticky end!! The bell now belongs to Angela, who is the Grand Daughter of Jem Lowe. More info on the Fanny Slater is here. http://mightyseas.perso.sfr.fr/marhist/furness/fishers/fanny_slater.htm

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