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new st pemberton


wash day in new st  pemberton
wash day in new st pemberton
Photo: vivien hitchen(leigh
Views: 3,419
Item #: 4747
My grandmother Alice worthington(bradshaw)and her brother John bradshaw,pegging out in New st pemberton.

Comment by: Margaret Grundy on 28th February 2009 at 15:14

To Vivian Hitchen,
My great great, and great Grandparents used to live in New Street, Pemberton in the early and late 1800's, and probably some family members into the 1900's. They were Dawbers and Meadows's.

Comment by: christine marsden nee alker on 28th March 2009 at 15:40

my great and grt. grt grandparents lived at 16 and 18 new street. pemberton in 1860 and up to 1880. thomasand amelia gaskell amd edward and ann Gaskell

Comment by: Brian Bradshaw on 7th June 2011 at 21:34

This is my Aunty Alice and Uncle John.My Aunty Alice went to live in Sherwood Drive,and Uncle John later on lived in Thatto Heath, ST Helens.Ilived at number 38 New Street with my Mother Maud and dad Jim,who was well known in Pemberton with sketches of local people. I had a brother Jimmy, and a sister Jean.Sadly, all have passed away.

Comment by: graham on 4th July 2011 at 19:25

thanks brian for updating this photo , i told my mum who they were & her memory came back to her,she always talks about going to pem from haydock with older sister maggie.

Comment by: viv hitchen on 19th March 2012 at 19:25

Hi graham,I have an old photo of a jack-maggie( mams auntie) they where from haydock an used to vist maybe the same maggie,from what im told there daughter had a pub in new springs,going back a bit now,if you think it maybe the same maggie i look for photo and put it on.
viv. my mum was alice's daughter mary.

Comment by: graham on 24th March 2012 at 20:54

hello viv,my mum is the daughter of john-maggie she did used to have a pub,it was the bath spring at bryn for 20yrs.mum used to speak a lot abut going to new st when she was in here teens,she is now 91 &is in appleby court after having a stroke 3yrs ago.she is the only one left out of six.

Comment by: viv on 27th March 2012 at 21:37

Hi graham,
I think your mam and my mam were cousin,s,im sure my mam used to go to the bath springs and my brother thomas used to go with his mates,when you visit your mum next ask her about mary who lived at the back of saddle,was your mum name mary,my mam had thomas-margaret kathleen and me.i'll try to put photo on this week of john-maggie

Comment by: graham on 2nd April 2012 at 20:55

hello viv
I have been to see mum today,her name is mary, i was talking to her about the comments you spoke about & we can both remeber your tommy comming to the pub in the late 60s when we used to have groups playing,we where trying to think of tommys surname we finaly got it, was it pownall?

Comment by: dave hitchen on 30th November 2014 at 20:17

Brian, I was born at No.40 next to your boyhood home and remember your parents Maude and Gem he was great at doing caricatures!

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