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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

School Street Off Greenhough St


Street Gathering
Street Gathering
Photo: Ken Lamb
Views: 5,475
Item #: 4173
Photo taken in School St. Year 1926 (+-1) Names of most of the people are as follows Mrs Taylor, Mrs Stones,Mrs Johnson (My Grandma), Sally Carter, Elizabeth Johnson (My Mum). Lizzy Norburn, Lizzy Taylor, Mrs Carter, Miss M Stones and her sister.

Comment by: John Brown on 1st November 2007 at 21:17

Hello Ken.
My Grandmother lived in School st( top end near Greenough st .) Her name was Ellen Carter, and her daughter, my mum Teresa, was born in 1926. Can you clarify which lady is Mrs Carter. There can't have been many Carters in the same St,but none of them look like my Grandma - not from the few pic's I have of her.It would be nice to find out if she is indeed in there.

Comment by: Ken Lamb on 1st November 2007 at 22:39

Hello John, I hope to be of some help if I can, there are 2 Carters in the photo. They are Sally who is first on the right of the baby on the back row and there is a Mrs Carter, I don`t know her christian name, but she is on the front row on the left of the children. Much of my info came from Miss M Stones who lived in scholes and she is actually sitting next to Mrs Carter on the front row holding her sister. The photo is in the region of 29/31 School St. Anyway john its been good to get some response
quick from my first photo. Thanks Ken

Comment by: John Brown on 2nd November 2007 at 11:38

Hello again Ken.
Thanks for your helpful reply.I have downloaded a picture of my Grandmother just out of interest for you. The Mrs Carter in your pic doesn't look like her to me, but the ages would be about the same I think. No matter, maybe the street was swarming with Carters, you never know ! It's a fascinating picture anyway - compare Sally's clothes with some of the other girls' - times were tough then I reckon, and some must have struggled. Once again,thanks, and if you have any more photos please put them on.

Comment by: Graham Parkinson on 12th February 2008 at 10:05

My grandmother lived in School Street at number 32. Her maiden name was Halsall (her father was Robert Yates Halsall of the same address) She married Joseph Cunliffe and after a brief spell in Bold Street she went on to own Cunliffes shop at the top of Millgate. My mother Joan Parkinson (nee Cunliffe) lived in School Street and has many memories of life there. She is now in her 80's but still very active and still lives in Wigan. I am waiting forconfirmation taht she is the little girl seated on the fron right of the photo. She remembers all the people in the photo and tells stories about how she and her friends used to tie a washing line to the front doors of Mrs Johnson and Mrs Norburn, knock on the doors and then wiat to see how they would try to open their doors!! 32 School Street seemed to have had plenty of occupants when Mum lived there including Robert Yates Halsall and Sarah his wife, my grandparents, my aunty Clara and uncle Clarence Smalley and their son Eddie. Mum had a little brother Robert Yates Cunliffe who unfortunately died when he was two years old. I don't know whether he is on the photo with all the children. I'm afraid I haven't any photos to add to the collection but if you have any more I'd love to see them.

Comment by: Ashley on 6th November 2008 at 17:33

Great photo, would loved to have seen any Donnellys or Browns in there. My maternal great great grandparents were living in School Street when they married in 1873 (probably living with in-laws before moving to Lime Street), I know that's a long time before this photo was taken but there were a number of Donnellys living there and a few Browns and social mobility was far more restricted in those days. Amazing to go past these streets today and it's almost impossible to try to imagine the sheer number of people who lived in such a small compact area.

Comment by: Peter Murphy on 13th January 2009 at 12:30

My grandma Sarah Alice Connell maiden name Carter lived at 21 School St. Her brother George Carter lived next door and her sister in law Alice lived next door but 2 further up. Near enough accross from Gordons off licence. My Grandmas brothers Joe (when he was'nt in the army) and Tom also lived with her at 21. Happy days.Did Sally Carter become Sally Charnock. I was born at their house off Darlington St near the River Douglas.

Comment by: arburthnot on 13th January 2009 at 19:12

my gr gr grandparents lived at 38 school street in 1881 samuel and sarah arburthnot , their eldest son was a publican beer seller in the scholes pubs ( 1901 census)

Comment by: marcelle on 18th January 2009 at 20:57

miss stones
thank's Ken is there any way you can tell me which ones are the Stones family, and if there is any way of any one now that belongs to this family getting in touch with me. The Stones was my grans sister (margret) she lived 29 School street
Most of Margret's family lived in school St on most of my records.William her father was the landlord of the new inn for a couple of years,in 1911 he was a fish frier
How excited to find this after taking trips to Wigan trying to finding family ,staying in hotel's and finding nothing then to find this THANK'SSSSSSS Ken and thanks to the family that passed it on OVER THE MOON TA

Comment by: Brendan Ofarrell on 27th May 2009 at 09:53

Very intrested in the Stones Family , has anyone got more info on them please ?

Comment by: Brendan Ofarrell on 28th May 2009 at 10:54

Hi again ,
I see that another relative of my wife has left a comment asking that perhaps you could give her Miss M Stones's contact details , I presume the M is pertaining to Margaret Stones, on 1911 Census ;William Stones and his wife Margaret Stones [nee Wood] have a Mary Stones , however in 1914 a Margaret was born in Wigan ,possibly to them . Could this Margaret be the one who furnished the information to Wigan World ? or is Mary Stones ?
Kind Regards,

Comment by: pat dobson on 12th October 2009 at 19:29

my aunt lived at no.34 school st. her name was mary jane moran she had a big family

Comment by: mark brooks on 8th May 2010 at 19:49

im refering to the man looking for margret stones she is my great great auntie if u wish to get intouch email denise.brooks83@yaho.com or doubledrop6281@hotmail.co.uk the little girl mi auntie maggie is holding is my grandma alice and the mans arm in the photo is my uncle jack and the girl at the side of maggie is my auntie ada margret is now 96 and going strong and always talks about lizzy norburn n all the nabours still

Comment by: Joe Wood on 6th October 2011 at 20:19

I use to live in School Street our name was Wood and there were many of us I am the youngest of 10. My parents were Winifred and John but dad was called Jackie by his friends who knew him.I use to live next door to auny Maggie and Uncle Jack Stones they were wonderful people and put up with us all.Thanks for all the memories of yesterday.

Comment by: Barbara Parr(Caunce)Australia on 5th October 2012 at 14:23

Thanks Ken for the great photos of School St,I was born at number 12 and lived there until I married.I knew the Morans and the Woods families and also the Elisons. Frances Gordon from the off licence was my best friend. We still keep in touch.Love to hear from anyone else from that time. cheers

Comment by: Anna Shimmin on 5th February 2013 at 15:30

My Grandma grew up at 11 School Street. Her dad was William Carlisle and her mum was Annie Carlisle (nee CARTER). My Grandma also had a brother, Leonard. I'd love to hear from anybody that remembers them... I also know that Annie had brother's John Robert (?), Thomas and a sister Agnus. I believe Annie's father was Gomer Carter and her mother was Margaret Carter although im not 100% sure...

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