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Scholes Map
Photo: Keith
Photo: Keith
Views: 617
Item #: 35520
Item #: 35520
Map showing a part of Scholes.
1 to 4 purple - STREETS
1 Scholes
2 Greenough Street
3 Schofield Lane
4 Vauxhall Road
5 to 8 yellow PUBS
5 Windmill Inn
6 White Swan Inn
7 Rose and Crown
8 Harp Inn
9 Bird I’Th’Hand
10 to 11 red - SLAUGHTER HOUSES
10 Slaughter House no.8
11 Slaughter House no. 7
12 to 13 blue - CHAPELS
12 Capel Cymraeg - Seats for 150
13 Methodist Chapel Independent Seats for 400
147 - 139 SHOPS white numbers on black background.
This relates to the previous posting showing “The Manor House Scholes 1887” and the names of the shops. John Blinkhorn’s clogger shop, followed by John McQuaid’s grocery shop (147) and William Hall’s butchers shop. The property numbers are taken from an old map which has the numbers listed but discrepancies are probably due to properties being divided at various times.
1 to 4 purple - STREETS
1 Scholes
2 Greenough Street
3 Schofield Lane
4 Vauxhall Road
5 to 8 yellow PUBS
5 Windmill Inn
6 White Swan Inn
7 Rose and Crown
8 Harp Inn
9 Bird I’Th’Hand
10 to 11 red - SLAUGHTER HOUSES
10 Slaughter House no.8
11 Slaughter House no. 7
12 to 13 blue - CHAPELS
12 Capel Cymraeg - Seats for 150
13 Methodist Chapel Independent Seats for 400
147 - 139 SHOPS white numbers on black background.
This relates to the previous posting showing “The Manor House Scholes 1887” and the names of the shops. John Blinkhorn’s clogger shop, followed by John McQuaid’s grocery shop (147) and William Hall’s butchers shop. The property numbers are taken from an old map which has the numbers listed but discrepancies are probably due to properties being divided at various times.
Comment by: Irene Roberts on 23rd December 2024 at 09:02
Keith, thankyou so much for this simple, easy-to-understand system of pinpointing roads and buildings. I am fascinated by maps and photos of Scholes as it once was but I can never get my bearings. This is so helpful.
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