Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
Colliery Lasses / Pit Brow Girls
Pit Brow Girls.
Photo: Ron Hunt
Photo: Ron Hunt
Views: 6,853
Item #: 512
Item #: 512
Pit Brow Girls. Scanned from an old postcard.
Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 20th August 2011 at 00:28
This is Wigan Junction Colliery off Bickershaw Lane Abram,
my father worked their 1954 he worked shifts,he used pick
his wages up on friday he used to take me with him I was only 11 or12 years old at the time but I can remember walking past the pit shaft to go to the pay office.D.C.
Comment by: David Latimer on 3rd August 2014 at 21:13
I have all these pit brow girls postcards, are they rare? are they worth out? THe are the will smiths series printed in germany. Does anyone know when they was published?
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