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Hard at Work
Hard at Work
Photo: Gerry
Views: 5,242
Item #: 15406
Here is me Hoffman pressing in 1970 ish at Coops in Dorning St Wigan. the aim was to press around the front, back and underarms of the sleeve area to make the sleeves fall just right the name of the operation was Nipping and Draping. After three years on this machine I was one of the best paid in the press room we were on an individual bonus and made around £22 a week. we had to do about 400 jackets a day for that wage. what a life... 18 lads and 600 girls, and free tickets to Coops Dance every year.....

Comment by: Gerry on 26th July 2010 at 09:39

You can just make out Sandra Rosser (Christopher St) in the background I think her married name was Winstanley. We both went to St Williams School and were in the same class I have not seen her for about 35 years ....

Comment by: Rubyshoes on 26th July 2010 at 09:59

I worked hard making those jackets for you to press lol.

Comment by: Moz on 26th July 2010 at 12:05

Gerry, we were with Sandra, well all the Rosser family, just a few months ago at her grandsons christening in Liverpool. You’re right her married name is Winstanley and she now lives in Cardiff. The missus mum and Sandra are sisters.

Comment by: Gerry on 26th July 2010 at 13:04

Will you show her this Picture please Moz and look at the note I left for you on the iron bridge (canal) picture

Comment by: Gerry on 26th July 2010 at 15:06

Do you still see Brian Rosser Moz?

Comment by: Stuart on 26th July 2010 at 15:58

Know Sandra very well, she ran a little home nursery when she lived in Lymm, my son went there. Her youngest daughter Beth came to visit us in the US about 8 years ago. Nice family.

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 26th July 2010 at 19:19

lovly pic again gerry ur hair was longer than mine ha ha.

Comment by: Moz's Missus on 26th July 2010 at 19:28

Gerry, we do still see Brian quite alot,we go for a pint with him if we see him in Wigan. Do you know him too?

Stuart, i remember your son very well. Sandra did run a home nursery. I am Beth's cousin, i am a couple of years older than her sister Emma and i used to always stay there in the school holidays. I also remember Beth going to visit you in the U.S. Don't know whether you remeber me or not? :-)

Comment by: Gerry on 26th July 2010 at 20:06

I knew all the family including David, next time you see Brian ask him if he remembers throwing up all over my mate Maurice Ashurst in Midnight Mass on Christmas eve 1969 Maurice and I nearly got locked up because of it. I will reveal all after you have asked Brian....

Comment by: Moz's Missus on 26th July 2010 at 20:44

Gerry it's a small world how you know mine & Moz's family (not our real names of course). I will ask Brian about that, i am intrigued as to how the story ends now, my mum is Kath, youngest of the Rosser clan, dunno if you remember her. My nan Nora is still going strong, lives round corner from us in Lower Ince. Do you still live in Higher Ince? It's good how you know both of our families, they were all St. Billsers at the end of the day :-)

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 26th July 2010 at 23:03

i remember sandra, gerry was she in your year as i thought she was my age but also there was david rosser maybe he was my year, i never thought about our ages then but we all seemed to be around the same give or take a few months.

Comment by: Gerry on 27th July 2010 at 12:14

Sorry Mrs S (moz Missus) I have not lived in Higher Ince for nearly 40 years but my memory is still sharp as a razor I did not know Kath if she was younger than Sandra

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