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Heinz Standish


works outing
works outing
Photo: derek holden
Views: 5,328
Item #: 12809
my dad joe on works outing not sure where.1960's

Comment by: Brian Acton on 10th December 2009 at 20:05

A few familiar faces on here. I would think this was a fishing outing, and unless I'm mistaken they are all from the Maintenance dept at Heinz Standish, and again I would think it was perhaps earlier than you posted, I would guess 1956-7 period.I will name those I know. Front left to right.
first left front row unknown ,Harry Daly, Alan Moore.( both Plumbers shop)Second row left to right.1st unknown,2nd with glasses on Arthur Robinson(plumbers Shop)the one sat in front of Arthur Robinson was Houghton can't recall his first name,then Norman Chrichley( plumbers shop)then your father Joe( grand fellow) who was a welder, man infront of your father unknown, then I think Dick Stock, and his brother, Bert Stock stood up with wellies on.Not to sure about last two though could be wrong.The only one I know on the back row, although I'm not 100% sure about him is the man stood over your fathers right shoulder, who I think is Tommy Worthington( plumbers shop) and if it is Tommy he retired about 1958-59 or so, which leads me to think the photo was perhaps earlier than you posted.Great photo though, have you any more Derek.

Comment by: Eric Gaskell on 10th December 2009 at 21:06

The chap sat in the middle of the photo is my wifes dad, Henry Daley who was a maintenance engineer at Heinz. Sadly he died in 1987.

Comment by: derek holden on 11th December 2009 at 19:24

Dear Brian,glad that you can reckanize some of your workmates in the photo,who caught the most fish? or did you all end up in the pub like all the other fishing trips that's gone on before.? i'm not sure if there are any more ,but will have a look.

Comment by: Brian Acton on 11th December 2009 at 19:41

I'm only assuming that the trip was a fishing outing, because the guys out of the plumbers shop on the photo were keen fisher men, although I wasn't into fishing then or now.Wouldn't know who won. I see from the other photo( no smoking) your father passed away in 1994, just for interest what age was he then.as I said previously a real nice man your father.Please post any more photo's you have of that era especially fron Heinz Standish.

Comment by: Stephen on 13th December 2009 at 11:02

Brian, I was thinking it was probably a fishing trip as the man at the back far right is wearing wellies and his fishing rod is by his side. However, the rest of the men don't look like they are dressed for fishing.

Comment by: ron berry on 8th May 2011 at 10:24

bert stock crouched next to the guy in the wellingtons,bert was my boss at
kitt green in the 60s

Comment by: Brian Acton on 8th May 2011 at 18:53

Ron Berry.
The guy in the wellingtons next to the crouched down Bert Stock, I would think is Dick Stock his brother, although not 100% sure.I had them the wrong way round on my earlier comments.

Comment by: Freda Price on 29th June 2011 at 11:44

The chap that seems to be sitting on the second row in front of the one with the glasses is my Dad Fred Houghton. Wow I have never seen this photo. I don't remember him going on any fishing trips but he was a keen fisherman. I do remember him going to Wembley with work in the sixties to watch the rugby, also he went down to London with work in the sixties, stayed in a posh hotel (so he said) for his 25 year presentation.

Comment by: ken wheatley on 7th February 2015 at 21:34

My late father-in-law ,Frank Atherton, is standing hlf obscured by the gent in trilby and bow tie. Looking at the photos in the staff magazine, presuming it was the same outing,the year is 1955.

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