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Wigan Album

Warrington Lane Infants School


Warrington Lane School 1952
Warrington Lane School 1952
Photo: Nadine Griffiths (now Hall)
Views: 7,070
Item #: 9515
Class form

Comment by: Allan Greenwood on 23rd February 2009 at 12:10

Does anyone know any of the names of the children in this photograph?

Comment by: RON on 24th February 2009 at 20:50

I think I must have been in the class above this one? I was 7 when I left in 1953. Would love to see a photograph of that year. I can remember a Raymond Stotherts was in my class as well as David? Lancaster who lived near Harrogate St. His dad worked at Hill and Jayne's garage.

Comment by: judith griffiths (now Burton) on 1st March 2009 at 07:27

Hi - my sister Nadine Griffiths (now Hall) is in the photo b ut I notice Ron mentioned Raymond Stothers - I know him but more so, his younger sister Christine Stothers who was my age and attended the school and in my class - we must have been there 1953 cos we were born 1948 - that would be right?
My sister Nadine is at the far right on the second row from the front - bluddy interesting stuff and more so all the way from New Zealand.

Comment by: judith burton (ne Griffiths) on 1st March 2009 at 07:33

Yes Alan - I know the person on the far right of the second row from the front - Nadine Griffith (Now Hall - she is my sister and I attended the school a year later than she did - I am Judith Griffiths and am now living in New Zealand

Comment by: Nadine Griffiths(now Hall) on 2nd March 2009 at 19:40

I'll try to identify the class as requested. After 56 years with apologies to any I can't remember - here goes.
Back row (L to R)
Rita Bradshaw: ? :Angela Morgan:Marilyn Paget: ? :Betty Jukes:Carol?:Marjorie?:Angela ?:
3rd row (L to R)
? : ? :David Parker:Stephen ?:Raymond ?:Brian Turner:Bobby Ramsdale:Alan Pollit: ? :Victor Gaskell:Maurice ?:James Wooton.
2nd row (L to R)
Lilian Searle: ? :Kathleen ?:Jean Roberts:Edna Pomfrett:Glenys Jones:Pauline ?:(Me) Nadine Griffiths.
Front row (L to R)
Stuart Brown: ? : ? : ? :Eddie Highton: ? : ? :

Comment by: RON HUNT on 30th January 2010 at 13:19

Another name has just come to mind of a lad who was in my class, David Lancaster, I think? (It was 1953 when I left I was 7.<g>) He lived off Harrogate street and his father was manager? of Hill and Jayne's garage. I have photos. of most of the school classes I was in, but regrettably nothing from my time at Warrington lane.
Someone has mentioned on another posting, that Raymond Stotherts died?

Comment by: RON HUNT on 11th February 2010 at 22:12

It wasn't Lancaster. I think it was Langton? It is nearly 60 years ago..........

Comment by: Anne Silcock nee Searle on 31st March 2010 at 11:40

Hello Nadiene great to see these photos have told our Lilian. Iremember all the girls being a happy friendly bunch.

Comment by: Ken Hart on 5th July 2012 at 07:34

Came across this site by chance, and boy did it bring back memories, albeit a bit unclear due to the passage of time. My name's Ken(Kenny)Hart and I attended Warrington Lane around this time. I was 5 in 52 and I am not sure if this was my class or not - love to know if it was! A lot of the names are familiar such as Angela Morgan, Nadine Griffith, Betty Duke, Stuart Brown, and I also remember Stephen Bradshaw and Derek Armstrong, but I am not sure if they are in the picture or not. Miss Thomas was the Headmistress and I think there was also a Mr Pearson. Stuart Brown's Mum and Dad had the Off Licence in Leigh St if I remember rightly - A good source of "Penny Arrows", and "Penny Bangers" at Bonfire night.. I lived at the bottom end of Spring St near the Garages and the Train Line from Wigan Central, and not too far from the Leeds Liverpool canal. Not exactly beautiful, but Utopia for a young boy growing up. I emigrated to Australia in 1987 and have lived on the Mornington Peninsula near Melbourne ever since. Australia is a fantastic country, but my roots will always be in Wigan. Anyone know if this was my class and if I am in this picture?

Comment by: michael benson on 24th September 2012 at 19:20

hi kenny i was also 5 in 1952 must have been in your class i remember judith and nadine griffiths angela morgan and lots more it would be great to hear from them all

Comment by: Ken Hart on 21st October 2012 at 11:14

Hi Michael. Not sure if you were in my class, but I remember your name. Seem to recall playing soccer with or against you on the "grey hill" or Clarington Grove near the Leeds Liverpool canal. Would that be you?

Comment by: michael benson on 1st November 2012 at 20:47

hi kenny yes that was me played for warringto lane school team then whelley then wigan ath then wigan rovers did you know judith and nadine griffiths would be nice to hear from them...angela morgan lived round the corner from me lovely girl

Comment by: angela morgan on 31st March 2013 at 11:55

Such nice memories, I really liked Warrington Lane School, and remembering Miss Thomas. Reading everyones comments, and where we are now, my does time fly....I now live in Southern Spain,
But I still always like to visit Wigan, although it has changed so much, but the people are always so friendly.

Comment by: Ray Dickinson on 12th September 2013 at 20:09

I nearly fell off the sofa when I discovered the photograph and much to my amazement I actually recognised some of my former classmates, I spent time and money in therapy to get over Miss Thomas but I have fond memories of a Mr Peason happy days

Comment by: Pat Riley( Nee Ridgway) on 9th October 2014 at 17:31

I went To Warrington Lane Nursery and Infant school from 1952 I was 2 years old and can remember My Little bed which had a Golliwog transfer on It we were placed in at 1pm every afternoon for 2 hours. Then My Brother Graham Ridgway and cousin James Twiss used to pick me up on Their way home from Whelley Secondary . I was at Warrington lane until I was 7 and then we Moved to Horwich...

Comment by: Edna pomfret (now Darbyshire ) on 26th January 2016 at 09:57

Second row in the middle to the right on my left is Jean griffiths

Comment by: michael benson on 25th April 2016 at 11:47

hi edna jean Griffiths is my cousin aint seen her for a long time...I was in the year below this

Comment by: Christine heyes Caish on 1st April 2019 at 15:52

My sister carol heyes.back row third on the right.

Comment by: Vicky on 27th July 2023 at 11:05

I think my Dad Norman Taylor is the little boy, second row down, next boy to the end right hand side. He started at this school the left for St Georges after a few months.

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