Wigan Album
St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge
Photo: Thomas Sutch
Item #: 9304
School built by James Carlton Eckersley, brother of Nathaniel Ffarington Eckersley & son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Eckersley.
Miss Hindley was still there in 1963 when I started school in the Infants, I don't remember a Miss March though.... the other two teachers were Miss Stene and Mrs Molynuex when I was there.
Another cracking photograph Thomas!
Miss Hindley was there in 1966 when I started. Think you mean Miss Dean Dennis not Miss Stene!
This brings some early memories back! I started at St Nathaniel's Infants in 1943. The teachers were much the same then. Miss Molyneux was the Head and I also remember Mrs Webster, Miss Hindley and Miss Dean (she was the daughter of St Nat's vicar)
Thanks for putting the photo on, Tom.
I met Miss Dean at the Centenary celebrations for the church. She said she remembered me as a girl so I said I bet you say that to all the former pupils, she said no you lived on Moss Lane which I did! Not bad after 50 years to be remembered! Lovely lady and and I got my love of reading from her.
I started in 1969 and I remember Miss Hindley and Miss Dean, I was so chuffed when she used to let me carry her bag when she walked home after school!! They also taught my mum Mavis Pennington. I remember them both with happy memories.
This is my class picture.I am on second row, kid number 6 with dark hair and tie. I rember John Sutch. I assume thomas is related.
The teacher on the left was Miss Moore,and from the left,7th on the back row is Ann Hilton,1st on the middle row is Thelma Smith,3rd on front row is Eileen Shaw,7th is Lyn Shaw,8th is Marleen Bleasdale,10th is Marjorie Brown.
I think this is the class one year ahead of mine,was the girl in the tartan skirt(front row 4th from left)Fiona MacKinnon? I think she was the local DRs daughter.
it is Fiona Mackinnon, I've spoken to Brenda Busby because it's her class,which was the year above me so that puts you in the same year as me, if you think it's the year above you.We have been trying to place you as you say you lived in Moss Lane.My mother had a shop in Moss Lane.
Hi I am Ann Stevenson as was, we lived at 68 until I was 11. My mother was Olive Stevenson nee Beesley my grandma and Auntie Winnie lived at 71.See other class photo I am centre front row
Hi Ann,I do remember you, and the Beesleys but you are younger than me.I recognise Harry Stevens on the other photo.
Hello Sandra, I remeber you and and on the class photo I am on is Gordon Topping, and Suzanne Liptrot Moss Laners both!
The Teacher was Miss Marsh She married during my time in the infants 1948 to 52.
Mrs Moore remembered with great affection: an excellent teacher and a very kind person. Miss Marsh I don't remember, but my brother does, and not with fondness I'm afraid.
Third on the front row is Mavis Shaw not Eileen
remember Gordon Topping and Suzanne Liptrot, though I'm not on the photo I was at St Nathaniels from 1954, I think, until leaving for "big school" and then Moss Lane from, I think, 1960 or thereabouts - I'm on the Moss Lane photo of girls who'd made Christmas cakes. what happened to the ones in the photo here?
i ann i remember u at moss lane susan liptrot died afew mouths ago she was 66 god bless her she was in my class B nice girl
Hello all, I was sorry to read that Suzanne Liptrot had died. I recall her both at primary and secondary school before we moved house. She was the same age as me and we went around as classmates do. Happy days and remembered with affection.
so sorry to hear about Suzanne Liptrot - did she get married/have a family? time only goes forwards, not backwards, but remember St Nats school and the church as though it was yesterday.