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Downall Green Cof E


rectory school 1963
rectory school 1963
Photo: whups
Views: 6,668
Item #: 8652
class photo 1963 mrs wilson teacher & harry lowe h/master - back l/r - frank wilson , gordon lyon , mary wilson , k harrison , christine wilde , janet walker , christine sudworth , ? catterall , valerie melling , keith whittiker , kenny speakman . middle row - susan lindsey , jenny parkinson , margaret cardwell , ? woodcock , janet taylor , carol williams , wendy walker , julie colquitte . front row sitting - kenny ryder , john heyes , brian hazeldine , geoff roberts , david rutherford , john moore , alan rusbey , brian scully , trevor johnson .

Comment by: Dave Lewis on 12th January 2009 at 22:24

Good one bri, i remember a lot of those people nice to see them so young.

Comment by: Susan Atkins (nee Atherton) on 12th January 2009 at 22:29

Great picture Brian, it was Jacqueline Catterall next to Christine Sudworth. Was it Gillian Woodcock? Looks like you've had it folded up in your pocket all these years LOL! I remember Mrs. Wilson very well.

Comment by: whups on 14th January 2009 at 15:57

yes your right susan . i only remembered after i submitted the pic . i was quite cute in them days ( lol ) . unfortunately it,s the only one iv,e got as not very long after that i went in wrightington for a while . dont know f yo know susan , but i think i,m the only person never to take my 11+ at scool .

Comment by: shirley roberts on 17th January 2009 at 16:05

hi whups,great photo iam geoff's sister,

Comment by: whups on 27th January 2009 at 15:46

yes i know shirley , i lived about 5 doors from you in birch grove .

Comment by: Kath Nicholson nee Roberts on 29th January 2009 at 11:53

Hi Whups, great photo I am Geoff & Shirley's sister too and you've really got me pondering you're identity, especially when you say you only lived 5 doors from us!! give us another clue ... can't ask our Geoff yet cos he's in Canada visiting his daughter

Comment by: Kath on 29th January 2009 at 12:06

Sorry just dawned on me who you are Brian ... takes a bit longer for things to register nowadays! lol .. I didn't realise you never took your 11 plus .. how r u doing these days!

Comment by: whup on 4th March 2009 at 15:38

hiya kath , yep never took my 11+ as i was in wrightington for almost 2 yrs & by the time i got out it was just leaving time at the rectory . thought i,d put this on as a reminder because you never know there dropping like flies recentley. was with your jeff the other week at craig duffy,s funeral . how,s things in yorkshire . everything still the same in d/green.

Comment by: Eric Greenhalgh on 11th January 2010 at 09:22

Well done Brian! Being a lowly 'Bryner' I'm not on the photo but my little Jenny was on it! Not seen her younger photos for a while as she had very few taken as a child. My wife Jenny died of Breast Cancer over 12 years ago now and both our son and daughter; and I still miss her very much!She never saw her grandchildren but would have been so proud! Does anyone have any memories of Jenny to share? Thanks Brian, you're a star! Eric Greenhalgh

Comment by: iain rutherford on 19th March 2010 at 18:58

was just browsing things about my old school and did not expect to see a picture of my wee brother .we moved back up to Scotland around 1963.had photos of my class but my dad had a clear out and binned them.i remember mr Lowe ,mr littler ,mr howarth,mrs waterworth,mrs shaw all very nice people classmates that spring to mind Mervyn Stewart stayed in Garswood ,Barry Green. thanks Iain

Comment by: Bill Eatock on 18th May 2017 at 13:30

The name Julie Colquitt brings back happy memories. I visited their house to service her mums sewing machine and Julie and I ended up dating for a while. Halcyon days!

Comment by: Wendy on 20th July 2022 at 23:37

I think this will have been 1960 or 61 .. Class 1 or 2 ... we had two teachers in Class 1 ... one of them was Mrs Wilson, Frank's Mum. She also took us in Class 2. We were all born in 1954 or 55.

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