Wigan Album
Gidlow School
Photo: John Gaskell
Item #: 8489
On hindlys left looks to be Keith Rudd....Is that you John,on the extreme right of the picture?
Your correct it is Keith Rudd, but I am not on the photo.
i think on the fronr row far left could be david taylor
Your right John, I think his nickname was Twoller
hi i am carol hardman john hardmans daughter john hardman is on the front row on the right side... we was in touch with tom till he died he used 2 take lads from gig all over the lakes if u want 2 get in touch with my dad u can email my self & i wil pass anything on its carol.hardman72@btinternet.com
thanks carol................
Teachers like Ted Ward should be cloned so every boy can be treated like we were-with respect and honest teaching,He never caned me or anyone else,if I remember correctly but 3 or 4 others made up the deficit.Is there anyone out there remember the Belgium trip?
hi alan norris yes the boy on the front right of the photo is john its john hardman he to was in tom wards class .....would love to hear from u...... carol johns daughter.....
I remember John Entwistle. If I remember right he injured his ankle on the way down from Great Gable, and we missed the bus back to the hostel. John and I got a lift back in a Jaguar because I was the smallest and John was injured. Hope my memory is correct.